The Properties of Transitive Bipartite Tournaments
TAN Shang-wang , ZHANG De-long
2003, 18(4):
25 )
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Let Γ ,n denote all m × n strongly connected bipartite tournaments and α( m ,n)the maxi- mal integer k such that every m × n bipartite tournament contains at least a k × k transitive bipartite subtournament.Let t( m ,n ,k ,l)= max{t( T m ,n ,k ,l):T m ,n ∈ Γ ,n },where t( T m ,n ,k ,l)is the
number of k× l( k ≥2,l ≥2)transitive bipartite subtournaments contained in T m ,n ∈ Γ ,n .We ob-
tain a method of graph theory for solving some integral programmings,investigate the upper bounds of α( m ,n)and obtain t( m ,n ,k ,l).