The Orders of Automorphism Group of p6 Rank Groups
1.Institute of A utomation , Guangdong University of Technology , Guangz hou 510090,China;2.Depart - ment of Mathematics ,Guangxi University for Nationalities ,Nanning 530006,China
About author:ZHANG Xin-zheng(1955-),female ,native of Zhengzhou ,Henan ,a professor of Guangdong University of Technology ,a Doctor ,engages in large scale dynamic system;WANG Yong(1964-),male(Zhuangzu),native of Longzhou , Guangxi ,a lecturer of Guangxi University for Nationalities ,Master of Science and a Doctor candidate ,engages in finite group; BAN Gui-ning(1962-),male(Zhuangzu),native of Shanglin ,Guangxi ,a professor of Guangxi University ,Master of Science
and a Doctor candidate ,engages in finite group .
Supported by:
Supported by the National Science Foundation of China(69874005);Supported by the National Science Foundation of China(19861001);Supported by the National Science Foundation of China(60274030);Supported by the Na- tional Science Foundation of Guangdong(010060);Suppored by the National Science Foundation of Guangxi(GKZ0135061)