Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics ›› 2008, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 589-593.

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A Fourth-order Covergence Newton-type  Method


  1. Department of Mathematic and Information Science,Zhengzhou University of Light Industry,Zheng zhou 450002,China
  • Received:2007-01-01 Online:2008-12-30 Published:2023-09-15
  • About author:WANG Xia(1970-), female, native of Kaifeng, Henan, an associate professor of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, engages in computed mathematics; ZHAO Ling-ling(1966-), female, native of Qinyang, Henan, an associate professor of Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, engages in functional theory and applied mathematics.
  • Supported by:
     Supported by the National Science Foundation of China(10701066); Supported by the National Foundation of the Education Department of Henan Province(2008A110022);

Abstract: A fourth-order convergence method of solving roots for nonlinear equation,which is a variant of Newton’s method given.Its convergence properties is proved.It is at least fourth-order convergence near simple roots and one order convergence near multiple roots. In the end,numerical tests are given and compared with other known Newton and Newtontype methods.The results show that the proposed method has some more advantages than others.It enriches the methods to find the roots of non-linear equations and it is important in both theory and application. 

Key words: Newton iteration method, root-finding method, fourth-order convergence, numerical test

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