Unbounded Motions in Asymmetric Oscillators Depending on Derivatives
1. School of Science,Tianjin Chengjian University2. School of Mathematical Sciences and LPMC,Nankai University3. School of Mathematics and Computer Science,Shangrao Normal University
About author:WANG Li-xia(1982-), female, native of Shijiazhuang, Hebei, a lecturer of Tianjin Chengjian
University, Ph.D., engages in dynamical system and di®erential equations; MA Shi-wang(1968-), male, native of Eerduosi, Neimenggu, a professor of Nankai University, Ph.D., engages in dynamical system and di®erential equations; WANG Xiao-ming(corresponding author)(1978-), male, native of Yushan, Jiangxi, an associate professor of Shangrao Normal University, engages in dynamical system and di®erential equations.
Supported by:
Supported by the Tianyuan Special Foundation(11526148); Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(11571187,11461056);
WANG Li-xia, MA Shi-wang, WANG Xiao-ming. Unbounded Motions in Asymmetric Oscillators Depending on Derivatives[J]. Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2016, 31(2): 189-200.