Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (1): 151-158.
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Abstract: In this paper, for multiple attribute decision-making problem in which attribute values are interval grey numbers and some of them are null values, a decision model based on grey rough sets integration with incomplete information is proposed. We put forward incidence degree coefficient formula for grey interval, by information entropy theory and analysis technique, the method and principle is presented to fill up null values. We also establish the method of grey interval incidence cluster. Because grey system theory and Rough set theory are complementary each other, decision table with preference information is obtained by the result of grey incidence cluster. An algorithm for inducing decision rules based on rough set theory and the dominance relationship is presented. In some extent, this algorithm can deal with decision-making problem in which the attribute values are interval grey numbers and some of them are null values. Contrasted with classical model of cluster decision-making, the algorithm has an advantage of flexibility and compatibility to new information. 还原
Key words: grey system theory, rough set, incidence cluster, interval grey number, entropy, null value
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