Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics ›› 2007, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (3): 388-394.

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Anisotropic Biquadratic Finite Element with Some Natural Superconvergence Results


  1. 1. Department of Mathematics Zhengzhou University  2. College of Science Henan University of Technology 
  • Received:2006-06-21 Online:2007-09-30 Published:2023-10-26
  • About author:LI Qing-shan(1964-),male, native of Huaiyang, Henan, Ph.D., an associate professor of Zhengzhou University, engages in finite element method; SUN Hui-xia(1963-), female, native of Yancheng, Henan, Ph.D., an associate professor of Henan University of Technology, engages in finite element method.
  • Supported by:
    Supported  by  the  Henan  Natural  Science  Foundation(072300410320);  Supported  by  the Foundation  Study  of the  Education  Department  of  Henan  Province(200510460311)

Abstract: The paper studies the convergence and the superconvergence of the biquadratic finite element for Poisson’ problem on anisotropic meshes.By detailed analysis,it shows that the biquadratic finite element is anisotropically superconvergent at four Gauss points in the element.

Key words: anisotropic, biquadratic finite element, superclose, superconvergence

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