Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4): 44-49.

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Atoms of Lattices of Supernil potent and Special Radicals


  1. Department  of Basic  Courses,Zhuzhou  Engineering  Institute
  • Received:1995-08-28 Online:1996-12-30 Published:2024-12-19

Abstract:  In this paper we define pure-supernilpotent radical and show that the class of all pure- aupernilpotent radicals forms a complete lattice.We discuss some open questions on lattices of su- pernilpotent and special radicals [5,6]and obtain some new results.

Key words:  , prime ring, semi-prime ring, lattice of supernilpotent radical, lattice of special radical, atom

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