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    2009年 第24卷 第2期    刊出日期:2009-06-30
    秦玉明, 黄兰, 马志勇等
    2009, 24(2):  159-167. 
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    In this paper, we obtain some global existence results for the higher-dimensional nonhomogeneous, linear, semilinear and nonlinear thermoviscoelastic systems by using semi-group approach.

    2009, 24(2):  168-172. 
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    In this paper, we consider the counting problem of matrix of set (Aij)k×n which satisfies ,···, and other conditions, and obtain some computational formulas which extend all the results in [1].

    赵静, 袁建新, 南基洙
    2009, 24(2):  173-184. 
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    In the present paper, we compute the number of the symplectic involutions over the finite field F with charF = 2, and also one Cartesian authentication code is obtained. Furthermore, its size parameters are computed completely. If assume that the coding rules are chosen according to a uniform probability, PI and PS denote the largest probabilities of a successful impersonation attack and a successful substitution attack respectively, then PI and PS are also computed.

    刘法贵, 闫杰生
    2009, 24(2):  185-193. 
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    The paper concerns with generalized Riemann problem for isentropic flow with dissipation, and show that if the similarity solution to Riemann problem is composed of a backward centered rarefaction wave and a forward centered rarefaction wave, then general-ized Riemann problem admits a unique global solution on t ≥ 0. This solution is composed of backward centered wave and a forward centered wave with the origin as their center and then continuous for t > 0.

    邵勇, 赵宪钟
    2009, 24(2):  194-199. 
    摘要 ( 41 )   PDF (266KB) ( 14 )  
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    It is well known that there exists the smallest inverse semigroup congruence on an orthodox semigroup. We denote by Y the smallest inverse semigroup congruence on an orthodox semigroup. Let S be a right inverse semigroup. We construct partial orders on S by some kind of its subsemigroups and uncover that partial orders on S have close contact with partial orders on S/Y.


    胡清洁, 肖运海, 陈内萍
    2009, 24(2):  200-210. 
    摘要 ( 33 )   PDF (424KB) ( 28 )  
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    In this paper, some necessary and sufficient optimality conditions are obtained for a fractional multiple objective programming involving semilocal Econvex and related functions. Also, some dual results are established under this kind of generalized convex functions. Our results generalize the ones obtained by Preda[J Math Anal Appl, 288(2003) 365–382].

    赵中建, 张冠宇, 陈绍春
    2009, 24(2):  211-218. 
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    We propose a locking-free nonconforming finite element method to solve for the displacement variation in the pure displacement boundary value problem of planar linear elasticity. The method proposed in this paper is robust and optimal, in the sense that the convergence estimate in the energy is independent of the Lam′e parameter λ.

    许广山, 马忠泰, 时宝
    2009, 24(2):  219-222. 
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    In this article, we consider a reaction-diffsion differential equation with initial value conditions u(x,0) = 0 on [0,a] and boundary condition ux + αiu = 0 on Γ = {0,a} × (0,T), and the quenching happens for the reaction-diffusion equation.

    王喜平, 陈琼, 徐继军
    2009, 24(2):  223-226. 
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    This paper discusses a class of forced second-order half-linear differential equations. By using the generalized Riccati technique and the averaging technique, some new interval oscillation criteria are obtained.

    鲁大勇, 田金毓
    2009, 24(2):  227-233. 
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    In this paper, we give a method which allows us to construct a class of Parseval frames for L2(R) from Fourier frame for L2(I). The result shows that the function which generates a Gabor frame by translations and modulations has "good" properties, i.e., it is sufficiently smooth and compactly supported.

    2009, 24(2):  234-238. 
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    The TFR(Tampered Failure Rate) model was proposed by Bhattacharyya and Soejoeti(1989) for step-stress accelerated life tests. On step-stress completely accelerated test occasions, the paper gives a method of estimating parameters under a normal stress.

    罗洪林, 罗慧林
    2009, 24(2):  239-243. 
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    First a general model for a three-step projection method is introduced, and second it has been applied to the approximation solvability of a system of nonlinear variational inequality problems in a Hilbert space setting. Let H be a real Hilbert space and K be a nonempty closed convex subset of H. For arbitrarily chosen initial points x0,y0,z0∈ K, compute sequences xn,yn,zn such that ... . For η,ρ,γ > 0 are constants,{αn},{βn},{an},{rn},{δn},{λn} - [0,1], {un},{vn},{ωn} are sequences in K, and 0 ≤αn+rn ≤ 1,0 ≤βnn≤ 1,0 ≤ ann≤ 1,-n ≥ 0, where T : K → H is a nonlinear mapping onto K. At last three-step models are applied to some variational inequality problems. 

    祁爱琴, 高丽, 张全信
    2009, 24(2):  244-251. 
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    The periodic boundary value problems for nonlinear functional differential equations was discussed. The existence of maximal and minimal solutions was obtained when the lower and upper solutions satisfied the formal or reverse order.

    张晓华, 沈建国
    2009, 24(2):  252-257. 
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    This paper is devoted to the discussion of filters in residuated lattices. The lattice structure of filters in residuated lattice was established. It is proved that the set of all filters forms a distributive lattice. Also, the concept of prime filter in residuated lattice was proposed and some equivalent conditions about prime filter were given.

    裴明鹤, 张性珏
    2009, 24(2):  258-266. 
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    In this paper, the existence and uniqueness theorems of solutions of k-point boundary value problems for nth-order nonlinear differential equations are established by Leray-Schauder continuation theorem.

    刘艳伟, 陆楷章
    2009, 24(2):  267-273. 
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    Two-prey one-predator system with a special Holling-II functional response is discussed. That ω-periodic solution of the predator extinction is global asymptotically stable is proved by some new methods. Furthermore, by the comparison theorem of impulsive differential equation, the sufficient conditions are derived for the permanence and the existence of periodic solution of the system.

    华守亮, 赵玉亮
    2009, 24(2):  274-277. 
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    In this paper, by initiative research on local spectral theory of total class wF(p,r,q) operators, we get some important results. Such as total class wF(p,r,q) operators is normaloid operator, the local spectral subspace of total class wF(p,r,q) operators is equal to the space EλH(Eλ the Reisz idempotent, with respect to λ, of T), total class wF(p,r,q) operators has finite ascent, and so on.

    毛志强, 刘慧芳
    2009, 24(2):  278-283. 
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    In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of higher order linear differential equations with meromorphic coefficients. Under certain conditions, we obtain precise estimation of growth order and hyper-order of solutions of the equation.

    邓书显, 成金环
    2009, 24(2):  284-289. 
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    Through the further study on the problems of F-operator in this paper, some research results for f(x) approximated by F(f,x) are extended, some are refined precisely; meanwhile, the constant is improved further.

    张振坤, 侯亚林
    2009, 24(2):  290-297. 
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    The interval graph completion problem of a graph G includes two class problems: the profile problem and the pathwidth problem, denoted as P(G) and PW(G) respectively, where the profile problem is to find an interval supergraph with the smallest possible number of edges; the pathwidth problem is to find an interval supergraph with the smallest possible cliquesize. These two class problems have important applications to numerical algebra, VLSI- layout and algorithm graph theory respectively; And they are known to be NP-complete for general graphs. Some classes of special graphs have been investigated in the literatures. In this paper the exact solutions of the profile and the pathwidth of the complete multipartite graph Kn1,n2,···,nr(r ≥ 2) are determined. 
    张愿章, 张永平, 郭秀兰
    2009, 24(2):  298-302. 
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    We consider the problem about the space embedded by the space and the embedding inequality. With the Holder inequality and interpolation inequality, we give the proof of the space embedding theorem and the space holder embedding theorem.

    王顺钦, 赵彬
    2009, 24(2):  303-309. 
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    The concepts of connectedness and locally connectedness is introduced for right- side idempotent quantales. Some properties of connected quantale are studied, and then the equivalent characterization of connected quantale is also given.

    刘小松, 冯淑霞
    2009, 24(2):  310-316. 
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    Suppose f is a spirallike function of type β and order α on the unit disk D. Let ... , where 1 ≤ p1 ≤ 2,pj ≥1,j = 2,··· ,n, are real numbers. In this paper, we will prove that ···, preserves spirallikeness of type βand order α on Ωn,p1,p2,···,pn.