数学季刊 ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 239-243.

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  1. 1. School of Management, Fudan University2. Group of Mathematics, Huidong Middle School of Sichuan Province 

  • 收稿日期:2005-11-21 出版日期:2009-06-30 发布日期:2023-07-21
  • 作者简介:LUO Hong-lin(1982-), male, native of Chongqing, Ph.D., engages in optinrization theory and algorithm; LUO Hui-lin(1978-), male, native of Chongqing, engages in secondary education in Hui-dong Middle School.
  • 基金资助:

General Convergence Analysis for Three-step Projection Methods and Applications to Variational Problems 

  1. 1. School of Management, Fudan University2. Group of Mathematics, Huidong Middle School of Sichuan Province 
  • Received:2005-11-21 Online:2009-06-30 Published:2023-07-21
  • About author:LUO Hong-lin(1982-), male, native of Chongqing, Ph.D., engages in optinrization theory and algorithm; LUO Hui-lin(1978-), male, native of Chongqing, engages in secondary education in Hui-dong Middle School.

摘要: First a general model for a three-step projection method is introduced, and second it has been applied to the approximation solvability of a system of nonlinear variational inequality problems in a Hilbert space setting. Let H be a real Hilbert space and K be a nonempty closed convex subset of H. For arbitrarily chosen initial points x0,y0,z0∈ K, compute sequences xn,yn,zn such that ... . For η,ρ,γ > 0 are constants,{αn},{βn},{an},{rn},{δn},{λn} - [0,1], {un},{vn},{ωn} are sequences in K, and 0 ≤αn+rn ≤ 1,0 ≤βnn≤ 1,0 ≤ ann≤ 1,-n ≥ 0, where T : K → H is a nonlinear mapping onto K. At last three-step models are applied to some variational inequality problems. 

关键词: two-step model, general three-step model, system of strongly monotonic nonlinear variational inequalities, projection formulas, convergence of three-projection method

Abstract: First a general model for a three-step projection method is introduced, and second it has been applied to the approximation solvability of a system of nonlinear variational inequality problems in a Hilbert space setting. Let H be a real Hilbert space and K be a nonempty closed convex subset of H. For arbitrarily chosen initial points x0,y0,z0∈ K, compute sequences xn,yn,zn such that ... . For η,ρ,γ > 0 are constants,{αn},{βn},{an},{rn},{δn},{λn} - [0,1], {un},{vn},{ωn} are sequences in K, and 0 ≤αn+rn ≤ 1,0 ≤βnn≤ 1,0 ≤ ann≤ 1,-n ≥ 0, where T : K → H is a nonlinear mapping onto K. At last three-step models are applied to some variational inequality problems. 

Key words: two-step model, general three-step model, system of strongly monotonic nonlinear variational inequalities, projection formulas, convergence of three-projection method
