数学季刊 ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (2): 252-257.

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  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Hebi Vocational Technical College2. College of Education, Nanyang Institute of Technology

  • 收稿日期:2005-12-26 出版日期:2009-06-30 发布日期:2023-07-24
  • 作者简介:ZHANG Xiao-hua(1958-), female, native of Dianjiang, Sichuan, an associate professor of Hebi Vocational Technical College, engages in mathematics teaching.

On Lattice Structure of Filters in Residuated Lattices 

  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Hebi Vocational Technical College2. College of Education, Nanyang Institute of Technology
  • Received:2005-12-26 Online:2009-06-30 Published:2023-07-24
  • About author:ZHANG Xiao-hua(1958-), female, native of Dianjiang, Sichuan, an associate professor of Hebi Vocational Technical College, engages in mathematics teaching.

摘要: This paper is devoted to the discussion of filters in residuated lattices. The lattice structure of filters in residuated lattice was established. It is proved that the set of all filters forms a distributive lattice. Also, the concept of prime filter in residuated lattice was proposed and some equivalent conditions about prime filter were given.

关键词: residuated lattice, MTL-algebra, filter, prime filter

Abstract: This paper is devoted to the discussion of filters in residuated lattices. The lattice structure of filters in residuated lattice was established. It is proved that the set of all filters forms a distributive lattice. Also, the concept of prime filter in residuated lattice was proposed and some equivalent conditions about prime filter were given.

Key words: residuated lattice, MTL-algebra, filter, prime filter
