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    2009年 第24卷 第3期    刊出日期:2009-09-30
    冶成福, 王波, 刘儒英
    2009, 24(3):  317-324. 
    摘要 ( 39 )   PDF (353KB) ( 20 )  
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    The parameter R(G) is the function about the front three coefficients of the adjoint polynomial of graph G. In the paper, the range of R(G) is given when β(G)<β(Dn), where β(G) is the minimum root of the adjoint polynomial of graph G and the chromatically equivalent classification of tDn is completely depicted. Furthermore,a sufficient and necessary condition for the class of graphs to be chromatically unique is obtained.

    王慧丽, 史忠科, 任志平
    2009, 24(3):  325-332. 
    摘要 ( 55 )   PDF (348KB) ( 22 )  
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    In this paper, the asymptotic behavior on the Cox risk model perturbed by diffusion is studied. The sufficient and necessary conditions for the process when it weakly convergence to Normal distribution and the rate of weakly convergence are received. Finally discuses the exponential upper bound for ruin probability of this risk model.

    李晓娟, 张昭
    2009, 24(3):  333-337. 
    摘要 ( 51 )   PDF (348KB) ( 41 )  
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    In this paper, we give a necessary and sufficient condition for the existence of P3-factors in the line graph of a tree. Then we present an algorithm to determine whether the line graph of a tree has a P3-factor.

    王全娥, 张春苟
    2009, 24(3):  338-342. 
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    In this paper, we derive the Baskakov-Kantorovich operators Vn(f;x) the complete asymptotic expansion in the form of all coefficients of n-kk = 0,1… being calculated explicitly. As a corollary, we also get the Voronovskaja-type result for the operators.

    王元恒, 杨文善
    2009, 24(3):  343-348. 
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    In the space C[-1,1], G G Lorentz proposed four conjectures on the properties of the polynomials of the best approximation in 1977,1978 and 1980. The present paper transplants the four conjectures in the space Lρ2[-a,a] and proves them being all right in only one theorem under the corresponding conditions, although each of the original conjectures is very difficulty.

    2009, 24(3):  349-356. 
    摘要 ( 35 )   PDF (327KB) ( 51 )  
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    In the rescheduling on a single machine, a set of original jobs has already been scheduled to minimize some cost objective, when a new set of jobs arrives and creates a disruption. The decision maker needs to insert the new jobs into the existing schedule without excessively disrupting it. In this paper, we consider hierarchical optimization between the scheduling cost of all the jobs and the degree of this disruption. For every problem, we provide either a polynomial time algorithm or an intractable result. 

    de Sitter空间中具有常数量曲率的完备类空子流形
    刘建成, 张德燕
    2009, 24(3):  357-364. 
    摘要 ( 43 )   PDF (339KB) ( 32 )  
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    In this paper, we study the complete space-like submanifold Mn with constant scalar curvature R≤c in the de Sitter space Spn+p(c) and obtain a pinching condition for Mn to be totally umbilical ones. The result generalizes that in [5,Main Theorem] to higher codimension and give a complement for n=2 there.

    呼青英, 朱碧, 张宏伟
    2009, 24(3):  365-369. 
    摘要 ( 45 )   PDF (271KB) ( 15 )  
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    The decay estimations of the solution to an elliptic equation with dynamical boundary condition is considered. We proved that, for suitable initial datum, the energy of the solution decays "in time" exponentially if p=0,whereas the decay is polynomial order if p>0.

    王波, 王强
    2009, 24(3):  370-377. 
    摘要 ( 62 )   PDF (331KB) ( 34 )  
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    The Finite volume backward Euler difference method is established to discuss two-dimensional parabolic integro-differential equations. These results are new for finite volume element methods for parabolic integro-differential equations.

    吴国昌, 王澜峰, 李登峰
    2009, 24(3):  378-383. 
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    In this paper, two operators are defined, and their underlying properties are found, then the R-dual relationship is classified from the aspect of the operators defined. Furthermore, the commutability of the bases of constructing R-dual sequence is discussed. In particular, SR-dual sequence is defined and is clarified. At last an example is given.

    张士勤, 郭白妮
    2009, 24(3):  384-388. 
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    In this paper, we present monotonicity results of a function involving the inverse hyperbolic sine. From these, we obtain some lower bounds for the inverse hyperbolic sine.

    一类Holling Ⅲ型强耦合捕食模型的共存解
    黄优良, 张来, 房少梅
    2009, 24(3):  389-393. 
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    In this paper, the two-species prey-predator Lotka-Volterra model with the Holling’s type Ⅲ is discussed. By the method of coupled upper and lower solutions and its associated monotone iterations, the existence of solutions for a strongly coupled elliptic system with homogeneous of Dirchlet boundary conditions is derived. These results show that this model admits at least one coexistence state if across-diffusions are weak.

    王秀琴, 徐琛梅
    2009, 24(3):  394-399. 
    摘要 ( 35 )   PDF (279KB) ( 29 )  
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    The main purpose of this paper is to set up the finite difference scheme with incremental unknowns for the nonlinear differential equation by means of introducing incremental unknowns method and discuss the stability of the scheme. Through the stability analyzing for the scheme, it was shown that the stability of the finite difference scheme with the incremental unknowns is improved when compared with the stability of the corresponding classic difference scheme.

    席高文, 王淑玉
    2009, 24(3):  400-406. 
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    By applying the method of on summation by parts, the purpose of this paper is to give several reciprocal summations related to squares of products of the Fibonacci numbers.

    2009, 24(3):  407-414. 
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    This paper develops a new method, named E-Bayesian estimation method, to estimate the reliability parameters. The E-Bayesian estimation method of the reliability are derived for the zero-failure data from the product with Binomial distribution. Firstly, for the product reliability, the definitions of E-Bayesian estimation were given, and on the base, expressions of the E-Bayesian estimation and hierarchical Bayesian estimation of the products reliability was given. Secondly, discuss properties of the E-Bayesian estimation. Finally, the new method is applied to a real zero-failure data set, and as can be seen, it is both efficient and easy to operate. 
    朱雯, 詹亮
    2009, 24(3):  415-419. 
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    In this paper, we discussed ω-extension of bicyclic semigroups. Two types of this extension are proposed. In §2 we discussed strong semilattice extension and the structure of the extension is well presented. In §3 we discussed another order extension. We proved that congruence lattice of this extension semigroups is union set of two sublattice. One is the group congruence semilattice, the other is the pure idempotent congruence semilattice.

    成金环, 刘涛
    2009, 24(3):  420-425. 
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    In this paper, we prove that the generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator can be embedded in Loewner chains on the unit ball in Hibert spaces, and obtain the fact that the operator keeps the properties of almost spirallike mapping of type β and other α,almost starlikeness of order α, spirallikeness of type β and starlikeness.

    杨峻, 吴忠林
    2009, 24(3):  426-431. 
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    In this paper, we consider a new algorithm for a generalized system for relaxed coercive nonlinear inequalities involving three different operators in Hilbert spaces by the convergence of projection methods. Our results include the previous results as special cases extend and improve the main results obtained by many others.

    张恩彪, 江成顺
    2009, 24(3):  432-438. 
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    In this paper, the initial boundary value problems of the nonlinear Sobolev-Galpern equation are studied. The existence, uniqueness of local solution for the problem are obtained by means of a special Green’s function and the contraction mapping principle. Finally, the blow-up of solution in finite time under some assumed conditions is proved with the aid of Jensen’s inequality.
    罗李平, 彭白玉, 欧阳自根
    2009, 24(3):  439-444. 
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    In this paper, by making use of the calculous technique and some results of the impulsive differential inequality, oscillatory properties of the solutions of certain nonlinear impulsive delay hyperbolic partial differential equations with nonlinear diffusion coefficient are investigated. Sufficient conditions for oscillations of such equations are obtained.

    赵才地, 李用声, 周盛凡
    2009, 24(3):  445-452. 
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    This paper studies the long time behavior of solutions to the Navier-Stokes equations with linear damping on R2. The authors prove the existence of L2-global attractor and H1-global attractor by showing that the corresponding semigroup is asymptotically compact. Thereafter, they establish that the two attractors are the same and thus reveal the asymptotic smoothing effect of the solutions.

    2009, 24(3):  453-457. 
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    A general top system of two free dimensions with parameter is studied and the four cases satisfied by the frequency of the system are discussed. Using the multiple scale method, its uniformly valid asymptotic solution, which is expressed by complex amplitudes, of the first order is obtained. And solvable conditions satisfied by the complex amplitudes are given, and then the relative result is generalized.

    王鸿燕, 赵占锋, 亓正申
    2009, 24(3):  458-463. 
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    In this paper, the solution of a parallel redundant repairable system is using the method of functional analysis. Especially, the linear semigroups of operator theory on Banach space, we prove the existence of the strictly dominant eigenvalue, and show the linear stability of solution.

    闫杰生, 杨丽华
    2009, 24(3):  464-468. 
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    In this paper, we investigate the conditions under which a finite group can be decomposed, and present several sufficient conditions for it decompose.

    张和平, 叶留青
    2009, 24(3):  469-474. 
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    In this paper, the new SQP feasible descent algorithm for nonlinear constrained optimization problems presented, and under weaker conditions of relative, we proofed the new method still possesses global convergence and its strong convergence. The