数学季刊 ›› 2009, Vol. 24 ›› Issue (3): 394-399.

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  1. College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan University
  • 收稿日期:2008-10-23 出版日期:2009-09-30 发布日期:2023-06-29
  • 作者简介: WANG Xiu-qin(1950- ), female, native of Kaifeng, Henan, a professor of Henan University, engages in application mathematics.

The Stability Research of the Finite Difference Scheme for a Nonlinear Partial Differential Equation

  1. College of Mathematics and Information Science, Henan University

  • Received:2008-10-23 Online:2009-09-30 Published:2023-06-29
  • About author: WANG Xiu-qin(1950- ), female, native of Kaifeng, Henan, a professor of Henan University, engages in application mathematics.

摘要: The main purpose of this paper is to set up the finite difference scheme with incremental unknowns for the nonlinear differential equation by means of introducing incremental unknowns method and discuss the stability of the scheme. Through the stability analyzing for the scheme, it was shown that the stability of the finite difference scheme with the incremental unknowns is improved when compared with the stability of the corresponding classic difference scheme.

关键词: finite difference, partial differential equation, stability research, incremental

Abstract: The main purpose of this paper is to set up the finite difference scheme with incremental unknowns for the nonlinear differential equation by means of introducing incremental unknowns method and discuss the stability of the scheme. Through the stability analyzing for the scheme, it was shown that the stability of the finite difference scheme with the incremental unknowns is improved when compared with the stability of the corresponding classic difference scheme.

Key words: finite difference, partial differential equation, stability research, incremental
