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    1997年 第12卷 第3期    刊出日期:1997-09-30
    陈文灯, 俞元洪
    1997, 12(3):  1-6. 
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    A new criterion is established for the oscillation of second order superlinear ordinary differential equations of the formx″(t)+ p(t)x′(t) + q(t)|x(t)|αsgnx(t) = 0, t ≥ t0,where α>1,p and q are continuous functions on [t0,∞). This criterion extends and unifies some of the results obtained in [1]- [5]. 
    1997, 12(3):  7-14. 
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    Basing on the papers from [1] to [4], this paper gives some further research,mainly solves the following problems:(1) It proved that several theorems of subgroup which have been raised to the hypergroup are still true.(2) It proved that the isomorphous relationship of the bottomgroups which guid to the hypergroup can still keep such relationship.(3) It proved that the basic isomorphous Theorem and the homogenous Theorem of the bottomgroup which raise to the hypergroup are still true.(4) It point out that when the isomorphous bottomgroups have been raised to the hypergroup,the conditions which form the isomorphism should be lessened. 
    林诗仲, 俞元洪
    1997, 12(3):  15-19. 
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    1997, 12(3):  20-23. 
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    In this paper we give some basic properties of the Favard class of cosine operator function, and concern with the question when for a given cosine fuction we have Fav(A) = D(A). 
    谢胜利, 张庆政
    1997, 12(3):  24-30. 
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    In this paper,we get fixed point theorems of mixed monotone operators in much weaker condition and give some applications for nonmonotone operators and differential equations. 
    赵迪, 李红裔, 李庶裔
    1997, 12(3):  31-34. 
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    The purpose of this paper is to improve an important Theorem of Fisher-Colbrie- Schoen'sin[1].

    鲁百年, 房少梅
    1997, 12(3):  35-40. 
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    In this paper,the convergence and stability of the 'Leap-frog' finite difference scheme for the semilinear wave equation are proved by using of the bounded extensive method under more generalized condition for the nonlinear term. The more complex standard a priori estimates are avoided so that the theoretical results are complemented for the scheme which was presented by Perring and Skyrne (1962). 
    1997, 12(3):  41-44. 
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    In this paper,we study the representation of linear operator on but abandom the Radon-Nikodym property and give a necessary and sufficient condition for representability of linear operator on by integral.
    李维国, 陈昆亭
    1997, 12(3):  45-49. 
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    In this paper,we consider the following systems x″+ Bx′+ gradG(x,t) = 0.Weak sufficient condition for the existence of a unique 2π-periodic solution of the systems is given and the results in [1]~ [3],[7]~ [8]are consequences of Theorem 2 in this paper if ‖B‖2<1. 
    罗罗, 史济怀
    1997, 12(3):  50-58. 
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    In this paper,we introduce some opeators on Bergman space (B) that generalize a kind of generalized Hankel operator defined by M. M. Peloso. For such operators we prove boundedness, compactness and Schatten class property criteria.On the eut-off c(N) we know that the phenomenon founded by Peloso is an exceptional case.
    谢春平, 刘涛
    1997, 12(3):  59-62. 
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    By using the Cauchy integral formula of bianalytic functions, the formula of higher derivatives of bianalytic functions and Weierstrass Theorem are obtained. 
    艾明要, 刘敬敏
    1997, 12(3):  63-70. 
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    In this paper, we consider the admissibility for nonhomogeneous linear estimates on regression coefficients and parameters in multivariate random effect linear model and give eight definitions of different forms for admissibility. We not only prove that they can be divided into three identical subclasses, but also gain three kinds of necessary and sufficient conditions. 
    胡长流, 田进军
    1997, 12(3):  71-74. 
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    In this paper,the I-ring which satisfies almost descending chain conditions (shorten writting A. D. C. C) on principal left ideals is studied. Two main results are gaven: (1) I-ring which satisfies A. D.C. C on principal left ideals is Boolen. (2) Ring with identity whose principal left ideals satisfy A. D. C. C and of which each element except identity is a left zero-divisor, is Boolean.These results generalize the results of [1],[2] and [3]. 
    1997, 12(3):  75-86. 
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    In this paper the homeomorphism number of G. M.has been finded with the method of that push the negative edges in inner tier and outer tier into the middle tier as far as possible. 
    王有安, 王艳玲
    1997, 12(3):  87-94. 
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    In this paper the authors consider Cauchy problem of first order quasilinear hyperbolic and prove that existence of its periodic solutions and estimates of life span of solutions. This results reveals the relationship of dissipation and smoothness of periodic solutions. 
    1997, 12(3):  95-100. 
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    The properties of generalized convexity are studied in this paper,as well as an existence Theorem of solutions for a type of generalized quasi-variational inequality is then abtained. 
    张群, 宋中山
    1997, 12(3):  101-110. 
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    In this note, we designed algorithm and program for homeomorphic classification of graphlike manifolds.counted the numbers of homeomorphic classes of graphlike manifolds with respect to scores contractions of 6-vertexes and noticed a mistake in [7].