数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 71-74.

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  1. Department  of Mathematics,Henan   University,475001;Kaifeng  Worker's  University,475001

  • 收稿日期:1997-03-23 出版日期:1997-09-30 发布日期:2024-11-26

I-ring which Satisfies A. D. C. C on Principal Left Ideals#br#

  1. Department  of Mathematics,Henan   University,475001;Kaifeng  Worker's  University,475001
  • Received:1997-03-23 Online:1997-09-30 Published:2024-11-26

摘要: In this paper,the I-ring which satisfies almost descending chain conditions (shorten writting A. D. C. C) on principal left ideals is studied. Two main results are gaven: (1) I-ring which satisfies A. D.C. C on principal left ideals is Boolen. (2) Ring with identity whose principal left ideals satisfy A. D. C. C and of which each element except identity is a left zero-divisor, is Boolean.These results generalize the results of [1],[2] and [3]. 

关键词: I-ring, A.D.C.C, Boolean ring, (right)perfect ring, artin ring, T-nilpotent

Abstract: In this paper,the I-ring which satisfies almost descending chain conditions (shorten writting A. D. C. C) on principal left ideals is studied. Two main results are gaven: (1) I-ring which satisfies A. D.C. C on principal left ideals is Boolen. (2) Ring with identity whose principal left ideals satisfy A. D. C. C and of which each element except identity is a left zero-divisor, is Boolean.These results generalize the results of [1],[2] and [3]. 

Key words: I-ring, A.D.C.C, Boolean ring, (right)perfect ring, artin ring, T-nilpotent
