数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 35-40.

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  1. Institute of Computational and Applied Mathematics;Xiangtan  University,Hunan,411105;Laboratory of ComputationalPhysics,Institute of Applied Phyics and Computational Mathematics,Beijing,100088;Graduate School of ChinaAcademy of Engineering Physics,Beijing,100088;Xinjiang   C.P.College   of  Army   Corps,Changji,Xinjiang

  • 收稿日期:1995-08-29 出版日期:1997-09-30 发布日期:2024-11-22
  • 基金资助:
    The Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. 

Convergence on Finite Difference Solution for Semilinear Wave Equation in One Space Variable

  1. Institute of Computational and Applied Mathematics;Xiangtan  University,Hunan,411105;Laboratory of ComputationalPhysics,Institute of Applied Phyics and Computational Mathematics,Beijing,100088;Graduate School of ChinaAcademy of Engineering Physics,Beijing,100088;Xinjiang   C.P.College   of  Army   Corps,Changji,Xinjiang
  • Received:1995-08-29 Online:1997-09-30 Published:2024-11-22
  • Supported by:
    The Project Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China. 

摘要: In this paper,the convergence and stability of the 'Leap-frog' finite difference scheme for the semilinear wave equation are proved by using of the bounded extensive method under more generalized condition for the nonlinear term. The more complex standard a priori estimates are avoided so that the theoretical results are complemented for the scheme which was presented by Perring and Skyrne (1962). 

关键词:  , semilinear wave equation, Leap-frog finite difference scheme, convergence and stability

Abstract: In this paper,the convergence and stability of the 'Leap-frog' finite difference scheme for the semilinear wave equation are proved by using of the bounded extensive method under more generalized condition for the nonlinear term. The more complex standard a priori estimates are avoided so that the theoretical results are complemented for the scheme which was presented by Perring and Skyrne (1962). 

Key words:  , semilinear wave equation, Leap-frog finite difference scheme, convergence and stability
