数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (3): 7-14.

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  1. Guangzhou   Teacher's   College,Inst.of  Syst.Engineering   of   Guangzhou    City,510400

  • 收稿日期:1994-03-27 出版日期:1997-09-30 发布日期:2024-11-20

The Homomorphism and Isomorphism on Hypergroup

  1. Guangzhou   Teacher's   College,Inst.of  Syst.Engineering   of   Guangzhou    City,510400
  • Received:1994-03-27 Online:1997-09-30 Published:2024-11-20

摘要: Basing on the papers from [1] to [4], this paper gives some further research,mainly solves the following problems:(1) It proved that several theorems of subgroup which have been raised to the hypergroup are still true.(2) It proved that the isomorphous relationship of the bottomgroups which guid to the hypergroup can still keep such relationship.(3) It proved that the basic isomorphous Theorem and the homogenous Theorem of the bottomgroup which raise to the hypergroup are still true.(4) It point out that when the isomorphous bottomgroups have been raised to the hypergroup,the conditions which form the isomorphism should be lessened. 

关键词:  , hypergroup, homomorphism, isomorphism, regular hypergroup, uniform hypergroup

Abstract: Basing on the papers from [1] to [4], this paper gives some further research,mainly solves the following problems:(1) It proved that several theorems of subgroup which have been raised to the hypergroup are still true.(2) It proved that the isomorphous relationship of the bottomgroups which guid to the hypergroup can still keep such relationship.(3) It proved that the basic isomorphous Theorem and the homogenous Theorem of the bottomgroup which raise to the hypergroup are still true.(4) It point out that when the isomorphous bottomgroups have been raised to the hypergroup,the conditions which form the isomorphism should be lessened. 

Key words:  , hypergroup, homomorphism, isomorphism, regular hypergroup, uniform hypergroup
