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    1997年 第12卷 第4期    刊出日期:1997-12-30
    冯滨鲁, 俞元洪
    1997, 12(4):  1-10. 
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    In the present paper sufficient conditions for oscillations and nonoscillations of a class of fourth order differential equations are obtained. 
    魏寒柏, 李万社, 张良
    1997, 12(4):  11-15. 
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    Let M be the class of areally mean univalent function, f ∈M and ... In this paper, we estimate the arithmetical mean of coefficients Dn(λ) and the arithmetical mean of successive coefficients tn(λ) =||Dn+1(λ)|-|Dn(λ)||. Our results are sharp. In addition, we also generalize Hayman's theorem on integral mean 
    刘钧, 朱其敬, 吴浩生
    1997, 12(4):  16-19. 
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    A method to prove the convergence of some nonlinear differential equation's from solu tion and its existance.
    1997, 12(4):  20-26. 
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    In this paper, we describe the canonical partial order on the idempotent set of the strong endomorphism monoid of a graph, and using this we further characterize primitive idem potenes from the viewpoint of combinatorics. The number of them is also given.
    谷同祥, 李文强
    1997, 12(4):  27-35. 
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    The multisplitting algorithm for solving large systems of ordinary differential equations on parallel computers was introduced by Jeltsch and Pohl in [1]. On fixed time intervals conver gence results could be derived if the subsystems are solving exactly.Firstly,in theis paper,we deal with an extension of the waveform relaxation algorithm by us ing multisplittin AOR method based on an overlapping block decomposition. We restricted our selves to equidistant timepoints and dealed with the case that an implicit integration method was used to solve the subsystems numerically in parallel. Then we have proved convergence of multi splitting AOR waveform relaxation algorithm on a fixed window containing a finite number of timepoints.  
    李世余, 张劲松
    1997, 12(4):  36-40. 
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    Let π be a set of primes and π' the complementary set of π.In this paper, the author ob tains the structure of inner π'-closed groups with operator groups in the case that π does not include 2 and also gives some characterization of such groups in the case that π include 2.

    蒋里强, 马知恩
    1997, 12(4):  41-45. 
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    In this paper, we concertrate our efforts on discuss asymptotic stability of linear inte grodifferential systems with time-varied confficients with large scale via Liapunov functional and decomposite - aggregated method. A group of sufficient conditions are given to guarantee asymptotic stability of zero solutions of systems. 
    宋振明, 郭天榜
    1997, 12(4):  46-50. 
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    In this paper,after discussing the prime implication filter of lattice implication algebra,we introduced the concept of prime space of lattice implication algebra,in which we analysised its topological property and discussed the relation between the category of topological space and the category of lattice implication algebras. 
    C* -代数上初等算子的完全正性
    1997, 12(4):  51-54. 
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    Let E(x) =... be an elementary operator on a C-algebra A. We prove that if A is prime with soc(A) = 0, or there is a family of irreducible representation of A such that is faithful and (A) does not contain compact operator,or A has a faithful repre sentation π such that π(A)″with no central portions of type In for n>1 then E is positive if and only if E is completely positive. 
    王廷辅, 计东海, 赵亮
    1997, 12(4):  55-62. 
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    For Orlicz sequence spaces,the criteria of U-property are given. 
    程新跃, 杨文茂, 邱敦元
    1997, 12(4):  63-69. 
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    In this paper we discuss the infinitesimal I-isometric deformations of surfaces immersed in a space with constant curvature. We obtain a sufficient condition for the deformation vector field to be zero vector field which is generalization of the results in [1] and [2].
    文成林, 田继善
    1997, 12(4):  70-74. 
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    Weighted Lp mean convergence of Extended Hermite-Fejer operators based on the zeros of orthogonal polynomials with respect to the general weight and Jacobi weight is investigated. Sufficient conditions for such convergence for all continuous functions are given.

    1997, 12(4):  75-78. 
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    In this paper, we present a spectral property of a comparison matrix, which improves and generalize the comparison theorem of nonsingular M-matrices. 
    关于(n1, n2,…, nk型k重(r1, r2,…, rk)-循环矩阵的非异性
    江兆林, 郭运瑞, 李洪杰
    1997, 12(4):  79-86. 
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    In this paper,it is given that the new equivalent definition of level-k (r1, r2,…, rk)-circulant matrices of type (n1, n2,…, nk) in [1] and we give the explicit expression of its the eigenval ues and four methods of discriminations its nonsingularity by utilizing only parameter r1, r2,…, rk and elements of the first row of the sorts matrices.

    王秀琴, 熊胜利
    1997, 12(4):  87-90. 
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    In this note the authors investigates the property of the GF(2)-modules for the wreath products Sz(q)wrCt,and establish some sufficient condition for a Sz(q)wrCt, GF(2)-module to be natural.
    周义仓, 蒋里强
    1997, 12(4):  91-97. 
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    In this paper the continuous solutions for an age-structured host-vector epidemic model are introduced and studied. The continuous solutions of the age-structured epidemic model are easy to investigate and use. The sufficient conditions for existence and uniqueness of the continuous solutions are established. 
    周贤伟, 王远允, 田新现, 郭瑞强
    1997, 12(4):  98-102. 
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    In this paper,quadratic 0-1 programming problem (I) is considered, in terms of its features quadratic 0-1 programming problem is solved by linear approxity heurstic algrothm and a developed tabu search ahgrothm . 
    1997, 12(4):  103-106. 
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    By use of partially balanced t-designs (v,b, k;λ,0) that is constructed by the rational normal curves given by [5] and the Cartesian product given by [4],an authentication code with arbitration is constructed and its probability of success of attacks by the transmitter, the receiver and the opponent is obtained in this paper.
    董笑咏, 雷逢春
    1997, 12(4):  107-110. 
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    An essential annulus A properly imbedded in a 3-manifold M is said to be spanning with respect to a Hereaard splitting VUFW of M if the two components of A are lying in A and separately and A intersects the Heegaard surface F in one circle. In this paper,a sufficient and necessary condition that there is a spanning annulus A in a 3-manifold M with respect to the Heegaard splitting VUFW is given.