数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4): 79-86.

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关于(n1, n2,…, nk型k重(r1, r2,…, rk)-循环矩阵的非异性


  1. Department of Mathematics of Linyi Teacher's College,Shandong,Linyi,276005; Department of Basic,Henan Vocation Technical Teacher's College,Henan,Xinriang,453003; Department  of Mathematics  of Linyi   Teacher's  College,Shandong,Linyi,276005

  • 收稿日期:1996-12-28 出版日期:1997-12-30 发布日期:2024-11-18

Nonsingularity on Level-k (r1, r2,…, rk)-circulant Matrices of Type (n1, n2,…, nk

  1. Department of Mathematics of Linyi Teacher's College,Shandong,Linyi,276005; Department of Basic,Henan Vocation Technical Teacher's College,Henan,Xinriang,453003; Department  of Mathematics  of Linyi   Teacher's  College,Shandong,Linyi,276005
  • Received:1996-12-28 Online:1997-12-30 Published:2024-11-18


In this paper,it is given that the new equivalent definition of level-k (r1, r2,…, rk)-circulant matrices of type (n1, n2,…, nk) in [1] and we give the explicit expression of its the eigenval ues and four methods of discriminations its nonsingularity by utilizing only parameter r1, r2,…, rk and elements of the first row of the sorts matrices.

关键词:  level-k(r1, r2,…, rk)-circulant , matrices of type(n1, n2,…, nk, nonsingulariy

Abstract: In this paper,it is given that the new equivalent definition of level-k (r1, r2,…, rk)-circulant matrices of type (n1, n2,…, nk in [1] and we give the explicit expression of its the eigenval ues and four methods of discriminations its nonsingularity by utilizing only parameter r1, r2,…, rk and elements of the first row of the sorts matrices.

Key words:  level-k(r1, r2,…, rk)-circulant , matrices of type(n1, n2,…, nk, nonsingulariy
