数学季刊 ›› 2006, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (4): 597-607.

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  1. College of Basic Science Donghua University,College of Basic Science,Donghua University,,Shanghai 200051,China,Shanghai 200051,China

  • 收稿日期:2006-03-01 出版日期:2006-12-30 发布日期:2023-11-22
  • 作者简介:ZHANG Lei(1982),female,native of Ningbo,Zhejiang,engugee in operator inequaliy.

Two Sequences of Operator Monotone Functions and Strictly Chaotic Order

  1. College of Basic Science Donghua University,College of Basic Science,Donghua University,,Shanghai 200051,China,Shanghai 200051,China
  • Received:2006-03-01 Online:2006-12-30 Published:2023-11-22
  • About author:ZHANG Lei(1982),female,native of Ningbo,Zhejiang,engugee in operator inequaliy.

摘要: In this paper we introduce two sequences of operator functions and their dual functions: ... defined on (0,+∞). We find that they are all operator monotone functions with respect to the strictly chaotic order and some ordinary orders among positive invertible operators. Indeed, we extend the results of the operator monotone function (tlog t -t+1)/(log2t) which is widely used in the theory of heat transfer of the heat engineering and fluid mechanics [1]. 

关键词: sequence of operator functions, L?wner-Heinz inequality, strictly Chaotic order 

Abstract: In this paper we introduce two sequences of operator functions and their dual functions: ... defined on (0,+∞). We find that they are all operator monotone functions with respect to the strictly chaotic order and some ordinary orders among positive invertible operators. Indeed, we extend the results of the operator monotone function (tlog t -t+1)/(log2t) which is widely used in the theory of heat transfer of the heat engineering and fluid mechanics [1]. 

Key words: sequence of operator functions, L?wner-Heinz inequality, strictly Chaotic order 
