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    30 December 2011, Volume 26 Issue 4
    A Lotka-Volterra Type Predator-prey Model in a Two-patchy Environment
    WANG Li-li, XU Rui
    2011, 26(4):  475-487. 
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    In this paper, a Lotka-Volterra type predator-prey model with time delays due to gestation of the predator and dispersal for both the prey and the predator is investigated. We first establish two different results on the permanence of the system. Using coincidence degree theory, sufficient conditions are derived for the existence of positive periodic solutions, and by constructing an appropriate Lyapunov functional, we further discuss their uniqueness and global stability. Numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the main results.
    Function P-sets and Mining-discovery Theorems of Unknown Information Law
    ZHAO Wen-ju, LI Dong-ya
    2011, 26(4):  488-493. 
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    Function P-sets are a set pair which are composed of function internal packetsets SF and function outer packet sets SF or (SF, SF) are function P-sets. Function P-sets have dynamic characteristics and law characteristics. Based on function P-sets, P-information law discovery theorems which has attribute supplementing-deleting are given. Mining-discovery and mining-discovery theorems of unknown information law are proposed. Function P-sets are a new theory and new method to research dynamic information laws for information systems. 
    P-sets and Its Dependence Characteristic
    ZHOU Yu-hua, ZHAO Wen-ju, ZHANG Guan-yu
    2011, 26(4):  494-498. 
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    P-sets is a set pair, it is composed of internal P-set and outer P-set, it has dynamic characteristic. By using structure of P-sets, dependence theorem and identification theorem are proposed in this paper.

    On Moments of the Maximum of Normed Partial Sums of ρ-mixing Random Variables
    TAN Cheng-liang, WU Qun-ying, HE Yan-mei
    2011, 26(4):  499-504. 
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    In this paper, we obtain the moment conditions for the supermun of normed sums of ρ--mixing random variables by using the Rosenthal-type inequality for Maximum partial sums of ρ--mixing random variables. The result obtained generalize the results of Chen(2008) and extend those to negatively associated sequences and ρ--mixing random variables.

    Strict Efficiency in Vector Optimization with Ic-cone-convexlike Set-valued Functions
    YU Li
    2011, 26(4):  505-510. 
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    An important property of ic-cone-convexlike set-valued functions is obtained in this paper. Under the assumption of ic-cone-convexlikeness, the scalarization theorem and the Lagrange multiplier theorem for strict efficient solution are derived, respectively.

    Abstract Operators and Higher-order Linear Partial Differential Equation
    BI Guang-qing, BI Yue-kai
    2011, 26(4):  511-515. 
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    We summarize several relevant principles for the application of abstract operators in partial differential equations, and combine abstract operators with the Laplace transform. Thus we have developed the theory of partial differential equations of abstract operators and obtained the explicit solutions of initial value problems for a class of higher-order linear partial differential equations.

    Bounded Oscillation for Second-order Nonlinear Difference Equation with Variable Delay
    YANG Jia-shan, SUN Wen-bing
    2011, 26(4):  516-520. 
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    In this paper, a class of second order nonlinear neutral difference equations with variable delays are studied. The criteria for existence of bounded eventually positive solution is obtained by using Banach contraction mapping principle and some necessary techniques. Moreover, some sufficient conditions for oscillation of the equations are given. Some results available in documents are extended in this paper. Illustrative examples are given.

    Inverse wpp Semigroups
    HU Zhi-bin, GUO Xiao-jiang
    2011, 26(4):  521-525. 
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    It is dedicated to the study of inverse wrpp semigroup, we obtain some charac-terizations of inverse wpp semigroup. In particular, we establish some charactizations for C-wrpp semigroup.

    Contractibility of Hyperspaces Ck(X)
    CAO Jin-wen, LI Yan, JIA Yong-jin
    2011, 26(4):  526-529. 
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    This paper proves the following results: let X be a continuum, let k, m ∈ N, and let B ∈ Cm(X), consider the continuous surjection fk: Ck(X) → Ck(X). We define the mapping B : Ck(X) → Ck+m(X): by B (A) = fk(A) B. Then following assertions are equivalent: (1) The hyperspace Ck(X) is g-contractible; (2) For each m ∈ N and for each B ∈ Cm(X) the mapping B is a W-deformation in Ck+m(X); (3) For each m ∈ N there exists B ∈Cm(X) such that the mapping B is a W-deformation in Ck+m(X); (4) There exists m ∈ N such that for each B ∈ Cm(X) the mapping B is a W-deformation in Ck+m(X); (5) There exist m ∈ N and B ∈ Cm(X) such that the mapping B is a W-deformation in Ck+m(X). 

    Continuity of a Class of Calder´on-Zygmund Operators on Certain Besov Spaces
    YANG Zhan-ying
    2011, 26(4):  530-534. 
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    In this paper, we introduce a class of non-convolution-type Calderón-Zygmund operators, whose kernels are certain sums involving the products of the Daubechies wavelets and their convolutions. And we obtain the continuity on the Besov spaces B0,qp(1 ≤ p, q ≤∞), which is mainly dependent on the properties of the Daubechies wavelets and Lemari’s T1 theorem for Besov spaces.
    The Asymptotic Average Shadowing Property and Its Applications
    LI Ri-song
    2011, 26(4):  535-542. 
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    Let (X, d) be a bounded metric space and f : X → X be a uniformly continuous surjection. For a given dynamical system (X, f) which may not be compact, we investigate the relation between the asymptotic average shadowing property (AASP), transitivity and mixing. If f has the AASP, then the following statements hold: (1) f n is chain transitive for every positive integer n; (2) If X is compact and f is an expansive homeomorphism, then f is topologically weakly mixing; (3) If f is equicontinuous, then f is topologically weakly mixing; (4) If X is compact and f is equicontinuous, then f ×f is a minimal homeomorphism. We also show that the one-sided shift map has the AASP and the identity map 1 X does not have the AASP. Furthermore, as its applications, some examples are given. 
    Normed BCI-algebras
    PENG Jia-yin
    2011, 26(4):  543-548. 
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    The notions of norm and distance in BCI-algebras are introduced, and some basic properties in normed BCI-algebras are given. It is obtained that the isomorphic(homomorphic) image and inverse image of a normed BCI-algebra are still normed BCI-algebras. The relations of normaled properties between BCI-algebra and Cartesian product of BCIalgebras are investigated. The limit notion of sequence of points in normed BCI-algebras is introduced, and its related properties are investigated.

    Existence of Positive Solution for a p-Laplacian System
    YANG Guo-ying, QI Rui-gai
    2011, 26(4):  549-555. 
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    Using the fibering method introduced by Pohozaev, we prove existence of positive solution for a Diriclhlet problem with a quasilinear system involving p-Laplacian operator.

    Compact ADI Method for Solving Heat Equations in Multi-dimension
    WANG Xiao-feng, YUAN He-cai
    2011, 26(4):  556-562. 
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    A compact alternating direction implicit(ADI) method has been developed for solving multi-dimensional heat equations by introducing the differential operators and the truncation error is O(τ2+h4). It is shown by the discrete Fourier analysis that this new ADI scheme is unconditionally stable and the truncation error O(τ3+h6) is gained with once Richardson’s extrapolation. Some numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the efficiency and accuracy of the new scheme.

    The Crossing Number of Cartesian Products of Stars with 5-vertex Graphs II
    HE Xiao-nian
    2011, 26(4):  563-567. 
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    The crossing number of cartesian products of paths and cycles with 5-vertex graphs mostly are known, but only few cartesian products of 5-vertex graphs with star K1,n are known. In this paper, we will extent those results, and determine the crossing numbers of cartesian products of two 5-vertex graphs with star K1,n .
    On the Permanence of a Nonautonomous Nicholson’s Blowflies Model with Feedback Control and Delay
    LAI Wei-ying
    2011, 26(4):  568-572. 
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    A nonautonomous Nicholson’s Blowflies model with feedback control and delay is investigated in this paper. We show that for this system, feedback control variable has no influence on the persistent property of the system.

    The Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions to Systems of Second-order Ordinary Differential Equations Boundary Value Problem in Absract Space
    WU Li-bing, SUN Tao, HE Xi-qin
    2011, 26(4):  573-577. 
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    In this paper, it is discussed by using cone and upper and lower solutions mono- tone iterative theory of mixed monotone operator that the bounary value problem is more generalized style to system of equations in the form of -u... v(0) = v(1) = 0 in abstract space. Moreover, it is obtained unique solutions for system of equations and error estimations between approximation iteration sequence and exact solution under more simpler conditions. Therefore, some new results which extend and improve the related known works in the literatures are obtained. 
    Strong Convergence and Certain Control Conditions for Modified Ishikawa Type Iteration
    WANG Xue-wu
    2011, 26(4):  578-584. 
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    In this paper, we establish the strong convergent theorems of an iterative algorithm for asymptotically nonexpansive mappings in Banach spaces and nonexpansive mappings in uniformly smooth Banach spaces, respectively. The results presented in this paper not only give an affirmative partial answer to Reich’s open question, but also generalize and improve the corresponding results of Chang, Lee and Chan [7] and Kim and Xu [10].

    Some Convergence Results for Arbitrary Sequences under Moment Condition
    WANG Xue-jun, HU Shu-he, YANG Wen-zhi
    2011, 26(4):  585-589. 
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    Let {Xn, n ≥ 1} be an arbitrary sequence of random variables. Some convergence results for the partial sums of arbitrary sequence of random variables are obtained, which generalize the known results for independent sequences, NA sequences, ρ-mixing sequences and φ-mixing sequences, and so on.
    Bounded Nonoscillatory Solutions of Nonlinear Functional Differential Equations 
    WANG Xiao-yan, LI Ming-jun, DENG Ji-qin
    2011, 26(4):  590-595. 
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    In this paper, we obtain some nonoscillatory theories of the functional differential equation (r(t)ψ(x(t))x (t)) + f(t, x(t), x(σ(t))) = 0, t ≥ t0, where r ∈ C1([t0, ∞); (0, ∞)), ψ∈ C1(R, R) and f ∈ C([t0, ∞) × R × R, R).
    The Singular Upper Triangle Type Solutions with Spin 1/2 of Quantum Yang-Baxter Equation (I)
    WANG Ke, WANG Xin, LI Xian
    2011, 26(4):  596-607. 
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    In these two papers (I) and (II), the singular upper triangle type solutions with spin 1/2 of quantum Yang-Baxter equation are given. In the Paper (I), we give the Yang-Baxter equation and give the general solutions of some function equations for the next paper.

    The Equivalence about Strongly Pseudoinvexity and Strongly Invariant Pseudomonotonicity
    ZHAO Ke-quan, CHEN Zhe, YANG Xin-min
    2011, 26(4):  608-612. 
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    In this paper, the equivalence is established about strongly pseudoinvexity of function and invariant pseudomonotonicity of corresponding gradient map under some suitable conditions.

    A Generalized Biproduct Theorem 
    WU Wen-hai, ZHANG Yue-e, MA Tian-shui
    2011, 26(4):  613-620. 
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    We develop the Radford’s biproduct theorem which plays an important role in giving a negative answer to a conjecture of I Kaplansky. Let B, H be two Hopf algebras with H acting weakly on B and α, β : B → H be two linear maps verifying suitable conditions. We consider in this paper a twisted Hopf crossed coproduct B#×βαH and derive a necessary and sufficient condition for B#×βαH with a Hopf smash product structure to be a bialgebra which generalizes in [14, Theorem 1.1] and the well-known Radford biproduct theorem [10, Theorem 1].
    Zero-divisor Graphs for Direct Products of Rings
    LI Yun-hui, TANG Gao-hua
    2011, 26(4):  621-627. 
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    In [1], Joe Warfel investigated the diameter of a zero-divisor graph for a direct product R1×R2 with respect to the diameter of the zero-divisor graph of Rand R2. But the author only considered those graphs whose diameters ≥ 1 and discussed six cases. This paper further discusses the other nine cases and also gives a complete characterization for the possible diameters for left Artin rings.
    Several Inequalities Involving Two Simplexes and Interior Points
    ZHOU Yong-guo
    2011, 26(4):  628-632. 
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    This article establishes several new geometric inequalities, which refer to the lengthes of the edges of a simplex and interior point, height, lateral area, and the circumradius of another simplex.