Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (4): 30-37.

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Schmidt  Decomposition  of  Quaternion  Matrix   and  the Orthonormalization of Vectors in a Generalized Unitary Space


  1. Dept. of   Math.,Changwei   Teachers   College,Weifang,261043;Dept. of Basic   Sciences,Shandong  Finance  College,Jinan,250014

  • Received:1995-07-05 Online:1996-12-30 Published:2024-12-18

Abstract:  In this paper we derive a practical method of solving simultaneously the problem of Schmidt decomposition of quaternion matrix and the orthonormalization of vectors in a generalized unitary space by using elementary column operations on matrices over the quaternion field.

Key words:  , quaternion matrix, Schmidt decomposition, generalized unitary space, (generalized) positive upper matrix

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