Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 61-64.

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Meta-projective Modules, Tensor Products and Limits


  1. Department  of  Mathematics,Nanjing  University,Nanjing,210093
  • Received:1995-11-08 Online:1997-03-30 Published:2024-12-12

Abstract: In this paper twe prove that the inverse limit of metra-projective modules (meta-injective modules resp. ) is also meta-projective (meta-injective resp. ). Let K be a field R1, R2 be K-algebras, we also obtain a sufficient condition for lgldim (R1 R2,)≥lgldim R1+lgldimR2, and wgldim (R1 ) ≥wgldimR1 +wgldimR2 .

Key words: inverse limit, tensor product, meta-projective modules, meta-injective modules

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