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    2003年 第18卷 第1期    刊出日期:2003-03-30
    2003, 18(1):  1-6. 
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    In this paper ,we consider a class of singularly perturbed Dirichlet exterior problems for ellip- tic equations. Under the appropriate conditions we construct the formally asymptotic solution of the  problem described. Using differential inequaltiy theory we prove the existence of the solution of original  problem and the uniforly validity of the formal solution .
    周先锋, 蒋威
    2003, 18(1):  7-12. 
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    This paper aims to investigate the retarded Liénard-type equation
    x+ f1( x)x˙ + f2( x)x˙( t  - τ) + f3( x)x˙2 + φ( x)+ g( x( t - τ)) = 0,
    where τis a nonnegative constant ,f1 ,f2 ,f3 ,φ and g are continuous functions on R.Using Liapunov functional method ,we establish a sufficient condition on the stability and boundedness of the solutions of above equation.This will generalize the main results of reference[2].
    Key words:retarded Liénard-type equation;stability ;boundedness
    CLC number:O175.21    
    吕巍然, 王珺
    2003, 18(1):  13-16. 
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    In this paper ,the uniqueness of meromorphic functions with common range sets and deficient values are studied.This result is related to a question of Gross .

    王同科, 马明书, 任宗修
    2003, 18(1):  17-20. 
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    A class of two-level high-order accuracy explicit  difference scheme for solving  3-D parabolic P.D.E  is   constructed. Its   truncation   error  is    ( Δt2 +Δx4 ) and  the   stability  condition  is r =  Δt/Δx2 =  Δt/Δy2=Δt/Δz2≤ 1/6.

    赵华祥, 孙兴旺
    2003, 18(1):  21-28. 
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    By using fixed point index theory of cone mapping and extension method ,this paper discusses  the existence of multiple positive solution of nonlinear neutral integral equatious modeling infectious dis- ease .

    映入 E(p,q)的复合算子
    2003, 18(1):  29-34. 
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    Composition operators are used to study the E( p ,q)spaces.The boundedness of these opera- tors is also considered.The criteria for these operators to be bounded are given in terms of the Carleson  measure .

    李师正, 李善海, 于晓明
    2003, 18(1):  35-37. 
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    In this paper ,we describe the least distributive lattice congruence on a commutative distribu- tive semiring .

    2003, 18(1):  38-43. 
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    In this paper ,a class of singularly perturbed Volterra type of integral differential equations nonlinear boundary value problems are discussed.Under the proper assumptions ,using the method of composite expand and the theory of differential inequalities ,the existence and any order approximation of the solution are obtained .

    郑成德, 王仁宏
    2003, 18(1):  44-48. 
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    This paper generalizes the basic principle of multiplier-enlargement approach to approximating  any nonbounded continuous functions with positive linear operators ,and as an example ,Bernstein poly - nomial operators are analysed and studied.This paper gives a certain theorem as a general rule to ap- proximate any nonbounded continuous functions .

    刘炳文, 钟益林, 彭乐群
    2003, 18(1):  49-56. 
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    In this paper ,author obtain sufficient condition for the boundedness of solutions of the second order nonlinear differential system ... The result can be applied to the Liénard-type system ,which substantially extends and imporves some important results associated with the same problems in the literatures[1-10]et al . .

    崔振文, 杨永琴, 王彩芬
    2003, 18(1):  57-67. 
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    In this paper,first ,we prove that the Sierpinski carpet E is equivalent to the set R .Then we define a mass distribution on R .Using a certain of mass distribution,we obtain the lower bound about the Hausdorff measure of R .Therefore the exact value of Hausdorff measure of E is given.

    2003, 18(1):  68-73. 
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    In this paper ,we discuss the positive definite problem of a binary quartic form and obtain a necessary and sufficient condition.In addition we give two examples to show that there are some errors in the paper[1].

    Nilpotent Lie群上Herz空间及它的某些应用
    朱月萍, 李登峰
    2003, 18(1):  74-81. 
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    In this paper,we define Herz type spaces on nilpotent Lie groups and give the boundedess of heat kernel and Riesz transform on Herz spaces.

    归庆明, 段清堂, 郭建锋, 周巧云
    2003, 18(1):  82-87. 
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    In this paper,a class of new biased estimators for linear model is proposed by modifying the singular values of the design matrix so as to directly overcome the difficulties caused by ill-conditioning in the design matrix.Some important properties of these new estimators are obtained.By appropriate choices of the biased parameters,we construct many useful and important estimators.An application of these new estimators in three-dimensional position adjustment by distance in a spatial coordiate surveys is given.The results show that the proposed biased estimators can effectively overcome ill-conditioning and their numerical stabilities are preferable to ordinary least square estimation.

    2003, 18(1):  88-92. 
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    In this paper ,we discuss the generalized subaffine elastica in R 2  ,the critical point of the to- tal polynomial subafficne curvature functional.We completely solve the generalized subaffine elastica by  using the Killing field and the classfication of the conjugacy class of sl(2,R).

    王性玉, 贾兴琴
    2003, 18(1):  93-98. 
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    殷志祥, 白玫
    2003, 18(1):  99-102. 
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    Let  G be a 3-connected graph with  n vertices.The paper proves that if for each pair of verti- ces  u and v  of  G ,d( u ,v )= 2,has | N( u)∩ N( v )|≤ α( αis the minimum independent set num -
    ber),and then max{d( u), ,then  G is a Hamilton connected graph . 
    2003, 18(1):  103-107. 
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    In this paper,the fixed-point theorem is used to estimated an asymptotic solution of initial val- ue problems for a class of third nonlinear differential equations which has double initial-layer properties .   We obtain the uniformly valid asymptotic expansion of any orders including boundary layers .

    关于L-fuzzifying TOP范畴
    张友, 王书臣
    2003, 18(1):  108-110. 
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    In this paper,the category of L-FTOP and the relations with the categories of TOP , L α-FTOP are discussed.