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    2003年 第18卷 第2期    刊出日期:2003-06-30
    王卿文, 孙建华, 李尚志
    2003, 18(2):  111-116. 
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     Let Ω be a finite dimensional central algebra and chart Ω≠2. The matrix equation AXB - CXD = E over Ω is considered. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the existence of centro(skew)symmetric solutions of the matrix equation are given. As a particular case, the matrix equation X - AXB = C over Ω is also considered.
    2003, 18(2):  117-120. 
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    In this paper,a class of strongly nonlinear singular perturbed boundary value problems are considered by the theory of differential inequalities and the correction of boundary layer,under which the existence of solution is proved and the uniformly valid asymptotic expansions is obtained as well.

    李想, 翁佩萱
    2003, 18(2):  121-128. 
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    By using a criterion lur asymptotic stability in Banach space BC,a group of sufficient condi- tions for a dynamical model with infinite delay which is derived from hematology were cbtained,which refined the result in the reference [10]got by the second author herself.

    夏铁成, 张鸿庆, 李佩春
    2003, 18(2):  129-133. 
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    In this paper, many new explicit and exact travelling wave solutions for Burgers-Kolmogorov-Petrovskii-Piscounov(Burgers-KPP) equations are obtained by using hyperbola function method and Wu-elimination method, which include new singular solitary wave solutions and periodic solutions. Particular important cases of the equation, such as the generalized Burgers-Fisher equation, Burgers-Chaffee infante equation and KPP equation, the corresponding solutions can be obtained also. The method can also solve other nonlinear partial differential equations. 
    2003, 18(2):  134-139. 
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    In this paper we generalize the aggregated premium income process from a constant rate pro-  cees to a poisson process for the classical compound Poinsson risk modlel,then for the generalized moclel and the classical compound poisson risk model,we respectively get its survival probability in finite time period in case of exponential claim amounts.
    欧宜贵, 侯定丕
    2003, 18(2):  140-145. 
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    In this paper,a new trust region algorithrn for unconstrained LC'optimization problems is given.Compare with those existing trust region methods,this algorithm has a different feature:it ob- tains a stepsize at each iteration not by soloving a quadratic subproblem with a trust region bound,but by solving a system of linear equations.Thus it reduces computational complexity and improves compu-  tation efficlency.It is proven that this algorithm is globally convergent and locally superlinear under some conditions.

    马昌凤, 梁国平
    2003, 18(2):  146-153. 
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    In  this  paper,we  present   a  new   form   of  succesive   approximation   Broyden-like   algorithm   for nonlinear complementarity problem based on its equivalent nonsmooth equations.Under suitable condi- tions,we   get   the   global   convergence   on   the   algorithms.Some   numerical   results   are   also   reported.

    2003, 18(2):  154-162. 
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    Conjugate gradient optimization algorithms depend on the search directions with different  choices for the parameters in the search directions.In this note,by combining the nice numerical per-  formance of PR and HS methods with the global convergence property of the class of conjugate gradient methods presented by HU and STOREY(1991),a class of new restarting conjugate gradient methods is presented.Global convergences of the new method with two kinds of common line searches,are proved.Firstly,it  is  shown  that,using  reverse  modulus  of continuity  function  and  forcing  function,  the new method for solving unconstrained optimization can work for a continously differentiable function with Curry-Altman's step size rule and a bounded level set.Secondly,by using comparing technique,  some general convergence propecties of the new method with other kind of step size rule are established. Numerical experiments show that the new method is efficient by comparing with FR conjugate gradient method 
    马海成, 扈生彪
    2003, 18(2):  163-167. 
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    In this paper,we  show that there cxist preisely W(A)Ferrers matrices F(c1,c2,…,cn) such that the rcok polynomials is equal to the nook palynomial of Ferrers matrix F(b1,b₂,…,bm), where   A={b₁,b₂-1,…,bm-m+1l   is    a   rupeated    set,W(A)is    weight   of   A. 
    2003, 18(2):  168-174. 
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    In this paper,some sufficient conditions are obtained for the oscillation for solutions of sys- tems of high order partial differential equations of neutral type.

    赵克文, 曾克扬
    2003, 18(2):  175-177. 
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    In this note more short proofs are given for Faudree Schelp theorem and Ore theorem.

    王予民, 李起升, 刘震
    2003, 18(2):  178-181. 
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    In this paper,we give a kind of method which can easily be operated to classify the graphlike manifold with contraction.

    李龙锁, 刘金霞, 赵玟亨
    2003, 18(2):  182-185. 
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     In  this  paper,we  introcuce  the  signed  weak  gliding  hump  property  in  a  dual  pair  with  the structure  of a  system  of sections  and  show  that  if a  dual  pair  [E,F]has  the  signed  weak  gliding  hump property,then  the  β-dual  space  of  E  is  a  weak  sequentially  complete  space  if  and  only  if  for  every n ∈N,(F(n),σ(F("),El))is      sequentially      complete.Furthermore,we       also      prove      that      if      [E,F]  has    the    signed    weak    gliding    hump    property,then(E,r(E,E())is    an    AK-space.

    梁洪亮, 刘孝书
    2003, 18(2):  186-191. 
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    For a physics systerm which exhibits memory,if memory is preserved only at points of random self-similar fractals,we define random memory functions and give the connection between the expecta- tion of flux and the fractional integral.In particular,when memory sets degenerate to Cantor type frac- tals or non-random self-similar fractals our results coincide with that of Nigmatullin and Ren et al..

    2003, 18(2):  192-197. 
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    In this paper,the Nagumo theorem and the fixed-point theorem are used to prove the exist-  ence and the uniqueness and to estimate the asyrmptotic expansion of the shock solutions of the boundary value problems for a class of quasilinear differential equations,the asymptotic expansion of solution of  any orders including boundary is obtained.

    2003, 18(2):  198-204. 
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    A normal orthodox semigroup is an orthodox semigroup whose idempotent elements form a normal band.We deal with congruences on a normal orthodox semigroup with an inverse transversal.A structure theorem for such semigroup is obtained.Munn(1966)gave a fundamental inverse semigroup. Following Munn's idea,we give a fundamental normal orthodox semigroup with an inverse transversal. 
    胡鹏彦, 张文俊
    2003, 18(2):  205-212. 
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    In this paper,we first give sxme new characterizations of Qu spaces by means of vanishing p-Carlexon muasure.Using these results,we can prove that Dirichlet space is a subset of Q,o for ...

    毕永青, 薛明志
    2003, 18(2):  213-220. 
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    There has been a growing interest in mathematical models to character the evolutionary algo- rithms.The best-known one of such models is the axiomatic model colled the abstract evolutionary al- gorithm.In this paper,we  first  introduce  the  definitions  of the  abhstract  selection  and  evolution  opera- tors,and  that  of  the  abstract  evolutionary  algorithm,which  describes  the  evolution  as  an  abstract  sto- chastic  process  composed  of these  two  fundamental  abstract  operators.In  particular,a  kind  of  abstract evolutionary algorithms based on a special selection mechansim is discussed.According to the sorting for
    the  state  space,the properties  of the  single  step  transition matrix  for the  algorithm  are  anaylzed.In  the end,we  prove  that  the   limit  probability   distribution   of  the  Markov   chains  exists.The  present  work provides a big step toward the establishment of a unified theory of evolutionary computation.