数学季刊 ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (2): 154-162.
摘要: Conjugate gradient optimization algorithms depend on the search directions with different choices for the parameters in the search directions.In this note,by combining the nice numerical per- formance of PR and HS methods with the global convergence property of the class of conjugate gradient methods presented by HU and STOREY(1991),a class of new restarting conjugate gradient methods is presented.Global convergences of the new method with two kinds of common line searches,are proved.Firstly,it is shown that,using reverse modulus of continuity function and forcing function, the new method for solving unconstrained optimization can work for a continously differentiable function with Curry-Altman's step size rule and a bounded level set.Secondly,by using comparing technique, some general convergence propecties of the new method with other kind of step size rule are established. Numerical experiments show that the new method is efficient by comparing with FR conjugate gradient method