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    2003年 第18卷 第3期    刊出日期:2003-09-30
    刘小松, 刘太顺
    2003, 18(3):  221-229. 
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    In this paper ,we introduce the generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator for locally bi- holomorphic mappings.It is shown that this operator preserves the starlikeness on some Reinhardt do- mains and does not preserve convexity for some cases .Meanwhile ,the growth theorem and distortion  theorem of the corresponding mappings are given .

    2003, 18(3):  230-233. 
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    This paper investigates the form of complex algebraic differential equation with admissible meromorphic solutions and obtains two results which are more precise that n that of the paper[2].

    2003, 18(3):  234-241. 
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    In this paper,by using holomorphic support function of strictly pseudoconvex domain on Stein manifolds and the kernel defined by DEMAILY J P and Laurent Thiebaut,we construct two integral
    operators  Tq and Sq which are both belong to  C(∂D)and obtain integral representation of the solu-
    tion of( p  q)-form  ∂b-equation  on the boundary of pseudoconvex  domain in Stein manifolds and the
    Lsp,q  extimates for the solution .

    杨建伟, 张玲玲
    2003, 18(3):  242-246. 
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    For a given compactly supported scaling function supported over[0,3]×[0,3],we present an algorithm  to  construct  compactly supported  orthogonal wavelets .By this algorithm ,the symbol function of the associated wavelets can be constructed explicitly .

    黄天民, 裴峥
    2003, 18(3):  247-257. 
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    The paper presents an extension multi-layer perceptron model that is capable of representing  and reasoning propositional knowledge base.An extended version of propositional calculus is developed    and its some properties is discussed.Formulas of the extended calculus can be expressed in the extension  multi-layer perceptron .Naturally   semantic deduction of propositional knowledge base can be imple- ment by the extension multi-layer perceptron  and by learning  an unknown formula set can be found .  
    杨乔, 裘敬华
    2003, 18(3):  258-263. 
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    In this paper we discuss some properties of holomorphic maps between Kahler manifolds with certain curvature restrictions.

    梁俊奇, 张志宏, 赵玲
    2003, 18(3):  264-270. 
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    Under the conditions of compatility or sub-compatility between a sigle-valued mapping and  set-valued mapping ,this paper discusses the existence of common fixed points for two set-valued map- pings and a single-valued mapping in complete ,convex matric spaces. We extend and develop the main  results .

    2003, 18(3):  271-275. 
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    Let   Ap(n)(p , n ∈   N   ={1,2,…}) denote   the   class  of  functions  of   the  form ...  analytic in the unit disc E ={z :|z |< 1}.By using the method of differential subordinations we give some sufficient conditions for a function f(z)∈ Ap(n)to be a certain subclass Rp(n,k)of p-valently close-to-convexity functions .

    师义民, 师小琳, 李科学
    2003, 18(3):  276-282. 
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    In this paper ,we construct the empirical Bayes test (EBT)for the parameter of the truncat - ed-type distribution families. It is found that the proposed test is asymptotically optimal. The conver- gence rate of the EBT is given .

    王景周, 张海模
    2003, 18(3):  283-285. 
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    In this paper  we discuss the counting problem of an order n-group of set( A 1,A 2,… ,A n)which satisfies … .We solve these problems by element analytical method.

    2003, 18(3):  286-290. 
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    This paper proves the following results:Let X =l σ,π,Λ} ,|Λ|= λ,and every pro-
    jection πσ:X → Xσbe an open and onto mapping.(A)If X is  λ-paracompact and every X σis normal and δθ-refinable,then X is normal and  δθ-refinable;(B)If X is hereditarily  λ-paracompact and every X σis hereditarily normal and hereditarily  δθ-refinable, then X is hereditarily normal and hereditarily δθ-refiable .

    杜太生, 肖泽昌
    2003, 18(3):  291-296. 
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    The general interpolation mentioned in this article provides an effective way for reducing the amount of calculation of direct optimal exploration.It has been testified by real case calculations that the interpolation is not only reliable but also can save the amount of calculation by nearly 36%.Large amount of calculation and lacking strict theoretical basis has been the two disadvantage of direct method by new .If this defect is not overcome  they will not only seriously affect the application of this method  but also hinder its further research.Based on sufficient calculation practice  this article has made a primary discussion about the theory and method of reducing the amount of calculation  and has achieved some satisfactory results.

    米洪海, 闫广霞
    2003, 18(3):  297-301. 
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    In this paper we discuss the basic properties of hyper relation Ri ,which is upgraded from the base relation R.The relationship between Ri and R is considered.

    徐继军, 郭瑞强, 崔国忠
    2003, 18(3):  302-309. 
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    In this paper  the global existence of weak solutions to the initial boundary value problem for Boltzmann-Poisson system is proved. The proof is based on the regularization and the stability of the velocity averages and the compactness results on  L 1-theory .

    吴景珠, 段广森
    2003, 18(3):  310-314. 
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    Analytic solutions of Klein-gordon equation utt -( uxx + uyy)+ α2u + g( uu ) u = 0 and generalized Schrödinger equation iut + uxx  - uyy  + g( uu ) u = 0 are given when g( z )= Aln2z + Blnz + C .

    王月山, 朱秀阁
    2003, 18(3):  315-319. 
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    Let   G  be  a locally  compact  Vilenkin  group .We  will  establish  the  boundedness  in  Morrey spaces Lp ,λ( G)for a large class of sublinear operators and linear commutators .

    郭卫华, 杨明增
    2003, 18(3):  320-327. 
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    In this paper  firstly we study the series maintenance system with two components  obtain its ex sistence and uniqueness of a dynamic state nonnegative solution by strongly continuous semigroups of operators theory.Then we prove that  0is the eigenvalue of the system ’s host operators  and finally we study the eigenvector of the eigenvalue 0.

    2003, 18(3):  328-330. 
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    This paper gives two patterns of high exact difference in solving convection equation.The error of cut section is to  O(Δt2 + Δx4).