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    2003年 第18卷 第4期    刊出日期:2003-12-30
    关美娇, 李用声
    2003, 18(4):  331-337. 
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    In this paper the authors consider a model of the interaction of a nonlinear complex
    Schrödinger field and a real Boussinesq field in a 3D domain with the weakly damping which arises in
    the laser and plasma physics and prove the existence of the periodic solution.
    刘麦学, 张海模
    2003, 18(4):  338-342. 
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    The purpose of this note is to  establish a general representation of  Hankel  matrices  of  Bell numbers and the convoluted Bell numbers.As a special case ,the results of Aigner are extended .

    汪忠志, 徐付霞
    2003, 18(4):  343-348. 
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    In this paper ,a strong limit theorem on gambling strategy for binary Bernoulli sequence ,i.e .   irregularity theorem ,is extended to random selection for dependent  m -valued random variables ,via us- ing a new method-differentiability on net.Furthermore ,by allowing the selection function to take value  in finite interval[ - M ,M],the conception of random selection is generalized .
    徐志庭, 马东魁
    2003, 18(4):  349-357. 
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    Sufficient conditions are obtained for oscillation of certain quasilinear elliptic equations ...  ,where Ωis an exterior domain ,m >1,and p(x)is an alternating function. The integral averaging technique is employed to establish our results .
    谭尚旺, 张德龙
    2003, 18(4):  358-363. 
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    Let Γ ,n   denote all m  × n strongly connected bipartite tournaments and α( m ,n)the maxi- mal integer k such that every m  × n bipartite tournament contains at least a k  × k transitive bipartite subtournament.Let t( m ,n ,k ,l)= max{t( T m ,n  ,k ,l):T m ,n   ∈ Γ ,n },where t( T m ,n  ,k ,l)is the
    number of k× l( k ≥2,l ≥2)transitive bipartite subtournaments contained in T m ,n   ∈ Γ ,n .We ob-
    tain a method of graph theory for solving some integral programmings,investigate the upper bounds of α( m ,n)and obtain t( m ,n ,k ,l).

    赵小艳, 聂赞坎
    2003, 18(4):  364-368. 
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    This paper discussed CGA population Markov chain with mutation probability.For premature convergence of this algorithm ,one concerned,we give its analysis of Markov chain.

    张新政, 王勇, 班桂宁
    2003, 18(4):  369-377. 
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    In this paper ,we determine the order of automorphism group of p-groups in the third family (  Φ3)and the fourth family  (  Φ4)in[1],whose order is p6( p ≥3).Here p denotes an odd prime .

    孙兴旺, 代新利
    2003, 18(4):  378-387. 
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    This paper discusses the existence of multiple solutions for second order differential equations with infinite delay .

    李淑云, 刘名生
    2003, 18(4):  388-394. 
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     K-quasimeromorhpic mappings in the unit disk ,the filling disks and the existence theorem of the Borel radius are derived .

    2003, 18(4):  395-399. 
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    In  this paper  the  Gross  uniqueness  question  is  studied ,and  the  unique  range  sets  of  two classed entire functions are obtained .

    2003, 18(4):  400-405. 
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    In this paper ,we construct the E ·B estimation for parameter function of one-side truncated  distribution under NA samples.Also ,we obtain its convergence rate at  O( n-q ),where q is approach- ing 1/2.

    李善海, 李师正
    2003, 18(4):  406-409. 
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    In this paper ,we describe all the divisible semiring congruences on a distributive semiring S   and also establish a one-to-one ,inclusion-preserving mapping from the set  of full ,closed ,self-conja- gate ,ideal subsemirings of S to the set of all divisible semiring congruences on S .

    姚海楼, 平艳茹, 平大文
    2003, 18(4):  410-413. 
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    In this note,we studied the Hochschild Homology of endomorphism algebras of exceptional sequences over any hereditary algebras.

    2003, 18(4):  414-418. 
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    In this paper ,A.B.Mingarelli  s result is generalized to General Volterra-Stieltjes Integro-dif- ferential Equations .Comparison  theorem  and  equivalence  condition  of  non-oscillation are obtained .   Classical Sturm comparison theorem and some conclusions are generalized .

    Cn 中拟凸映射和星形映射的系数问题
    刘维先, 王予民
    2003, 18(4):  419-424. 
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    Let B be the unit ball in Cn  ,we study quasi-convex mappings and starlike mappings on Bn  .  The upper bounds of second order item coefficients of r quasi-convex mappings and starlike mappings are obtained .

    关于π(x+y)≤π(x)+π(y) 的一些研究结果
    王国富, 张长春
    2003, 18(4):  425-428. 
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    The famous conjecture in distribution of prime numbers remains unsolved whether there exists a constant inequality of“ π(x + y)≤ π(x)+ π(y)”for all integers such as x ,y ≥2.The present article argues that when x >11,y ≤30,there always is a constant tenable inequality.

    孙建设, 叶留青
    2003, 18(4):  429-434. 
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    Using the second Green formula ,the boundary problem of Laplace equation satisfied by po- tential function of static electric field is transformed to the problem of the boundary integral equation , and then a boundary integral equation approach is established by partitioning boundary using linear  boundary element .

    刘喜波, 姚立, 王玉苏
    2003, 18(4):  435-440. 
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    Let(M3+k  ,T)be an involution on a closed manifold such that its fixed point set is L 1(p).  In this paper ,we determine the existence of(M3+k  ,T)and give the equivariant bordism classification of such involutions .