数学季刊 ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 435-440.

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  1. 1.School of Sciences ,North China  University of  Technology ,Beijing  100041,China; 2.School of  Math- ematics and Statistics ,Hebei University of Economy and Trade ,Shijiazhuang 050063,China;3.Department  of Basic Courses ,Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute ,Shijiazhuang 050081,China
  • 收稿日期:2003-01-15 出版日期:2003-12-30 发布日期:2024-04-03
  • 作者简介:LIU Xi-bo(1962-),male ,native of Kangbao ,Hebei ,an associate professor of North China University of Technology ,Ph.D.,engages in topology;YAO Li(1960-),male ,native of Jinzhou ,Liaoning ,an associate professor of He- bei University of Economy and T rade ,engages in topology;WANG Yu-su(1961-),female ,native of Fengrun ,Hebei ,an as- sociate professor of Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute ,engages in topology .

Involutions Fixing the Lens Spaces L1(p)

  1. 1.School of Sciences ,North China  University of  Technology ,Beijing  100041,China; 2.School of  Math- ematics and Statistics ,Hebei University of Economy and Trade ,Shijiazhuang 050063,China;3.Department  of Basic Courses ,Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute ,Shijiazhuang 050081,China
  • Received:2003-01-15 Online:2003-12-30 Published:2024-04-03
  • About author:LIU Xi-bo(1962-),male ,native of Kangbao ,Hebei ,an associate professor of North China University of Technology ,Ph.D.,engages in topology;YAO Li(1960-),male ,native of Jinzhou ,Liaoning ,an associate professor of He- bei University of Economy and T rade ,engages in topology;WANG Yu-su(1961-),female ,native of Fengrun ,Hebei ,an as- sociate professor of Shijiazhuang Vocational Technology Institute ,engages in topology .

摘要: Let(M3+k  ,T)be an involution on a closed manifold such that its fixed point set is L 1(p).  In this paper ,we determine the existence of(M3+k  ,T)and give the equivariant bordism classification of such involutions .

关键词: involution, Lens space, total Stiefel-Whitney class, bordism

Abstract: Let(M3+k  ,T)be an involution on a closed manifold such that its fixed point set is L 1(p).  In this paper ,we determine the existence of(M3+k  ,T)and give the equivariant bordism classification of such involutions .

Key words: involution, Lens space, total Stiefel-Whitney class, bordism
