数学季刊 ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4): 343-348.

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  1. 1.Department of Mathematics and Physics ,A nhui  University of  Technology ,Ma ’anshan 243002,China; 2.Department of Mathematics ,Tangshan Teacher ’s College ,Tangshan 063000,China
  • 收稿日期:2001-09-10 出版日期:2003-12-30 发布日期:2024-03-29
  • 作者简介:WANG Zhong-zhi(1965-),male ,native of Anqing ,Anhui ,an associate professor of Anhui University of Technology ,M.S.D.,engages in limit theory in probability and its application;XU Fu-xia(1966-),female ,native of Jize , Hebei ,an associate professor of Tangshan Teache r ’s College ,M.S.D.,engages in limit theory in probability .
  • 基金资助:
     SupportedbytheEducationDepartmentofAnhuiProvince( 2 0 0 2kj0 5 4);

A Strong Limit Theorem on Generalized Random Selection for m-valued Random Sequences 

  1. 1.Department of Mathematics and Physics ,A nhui  University of  Technology ,Ma ’anshan 243002,China; 2.Department of Mathematics ,Tangshan Teacher ’s College ,Tangshan 063000,China
  • Received:2001-09-10 Online:2003-12-30 Published:2024-03-29
  • About author:WANG Zhong-zhi(1965-),male ,native of Anqing ,Anhui ,an associate professor of Anhui University of Technology ,M.S.D.,engages in limit theory in probability and its application;XU Fu-xia(1966-),female ,native of Jize , Hebei ,an associate professor of Tangshan Teache r ’s College ,M.S.D.,engages in limit theory in probability .
  • Supported by:
     SupportedbytheEducationDepartmentofAnhuiProvince( 2 0 0 2kj0 5 4);

摘要: In this paper ,a strong limit theorem on gambling strategy for binary Bernoulli sequence ,i.e .   irregularity theorem ,is extended to random selection for dependent  m -valued random variables ,via us- ing a new method-differentiability on net.Furthermore ,by allowing the selection function to take value  in finite interval[ - M ,M],the conception of random selection is generalized .

关键词: :generalized random selection, differentiability on net, a.e.convergence

Abstract: In this paper ,a strong limit theorem on gambling strategy for binary Bernoulli sequence ,i.e .   irregularity theorem ,is extended to random selection for dependent  m -valued random variables ,via us- ing a new method-differentiability on net.Furthermore ,by allowing the selection function to take value  in finite interval[ - M ,M],the conception of random selection is generalized .

Key words: :generalized random selection, differentiability on net, a.e.convergence
