数学季刊 ›› 2003, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (1): 35-37.

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  1.  Department of Mathematics, Shandong Normal University, Shandong 250014,China
  • 收稿日期:2001-06-14 出版日期:2003-03-30 发布日期:2024-04-22
  • 作者简介:LI Shi-zheng(1940-),male ,native of Jinan ,Shandong ,a professor of Shandong Normal University ,en- gages in algebra and operational research;LI Shan-hai(1977-),male ,native of Linyi ,Shandong ,a graduate student of Shan- dong Normal University ,engages in algebra .

The Least Distributive Lattice Congruence on Commutative Distributive Semiring

  1.  Department of Mathematics, Shandong Normal University, Shandong 250014,China
  • Received:2001-06-14 Online:2003-03-30 Published:2024-04-22
  • About author:LI Shi-zheng(1940-),male ,native of Jinan ,Shandong ,a professor of Shandong Normal University ,en- gages in algebra and operational research;LI Shan-hai(1977-),male ,native of Linyi ,Shandong ,a graduate student of Shan- dong Normal University ,engages in algebra .

摘要: In this paper ,we describe the least distributive lattice congruence on a commutative distribu- tive semiring .

关键词: semiring, commutative distributive semiring, distributive lattice congruence

Abstract: In this paper ,we describe the least distributive lattice congruence on a commutative distribu- tive semiring .

Key words: semiring, commutative distributive semiring, distributive lattice congruence
