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    2022年 第37卷 第4期    刊出日期:2022-12-30
    贺茹艳, 原晋江, 张源
    2022, 37(4):  331-342.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.001
    摘要 ( 117 )   PDF (374KB) ( 123 )  
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    We study the single-machine preemptive scheduling problem with multiple maintenance activities to minimize the total late work, in which the jobs must be processed in the time space not occupied by the maintenance intervals. For this problem, we present a polynomial algorithm to determine the optimal schedule and establish a formula expression to the optimal value. Moreover, our result is used to correct some minor errors in the literature related to the single-machine (preemptive or non-preemptive) scheduling with one maintenance activity to minimize the total late work. 
    在比较模型下网络是 n-邻 d-可诊断的充分条件
    王世英, 赵丽娜
    2022, 37(4):  343-354.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.002
    摘要 ( 111 )   PDF (378KB) ( 80 )  
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    Diagnosability of multiprocessor systems is an important research topic. The system and an interconnection network have an underlying topology, which is usually presented by a graph. In 2012, Peng et al. proposed a metric for fault diagnosis of the graph, namely, the n-neighbor diagnosability that restrains every fault-free node to contain at least n fault-free neighbors. It is difficult to get the n-neighbor diagnosability of the graph from the definition of the n-neighbor diagnosability. Afterwards, some sufficient and necessary conditions are given. It is also difficult to find the n-neighbor diagnosability of the graph from those results. In this paper, we show some new sufficient conditions for the graph to be n-neighbor d-diagnosable under the MM model. It improves the corresponding result of [Theoretical Computer Science 773 (2019) 107-114].
    林艺舒, 常彩冰, 刘岩
    2022, 37(4):  355-365.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.003
    摘要 ( 109 )   PDF (346KB) ( 136 )  
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    Bandwidth, cutwidth, cyclic bandwidth, bandwidth sum and cyclic bandwidth
    sum are well-known indices about optimal labeling of graphs applied in VLSI design,
    network communications, and other areas involving the graph layout. To design the
    graphs with the given indices, we need to study the ergodicity. Let F be a set of graphs
    under consideration and ϕ an integer-valued function defined on F, namely, ϕ is an index,
    such as bandwidth and cutwidth. If there exists a graph G ∈ F such that ϕ(G) =x for
    any integer x in the interval [a,b], where a and b are the minimum and maximum of ϕ
    on F, respectively, then ϕ is said to have ergodicity on F. Let Gn be the set of simple
    connected graphs with order n and Tn the set of trees with order n. In this paper, we
    investigate the ergodicity of bandwidth, cutwidth, cyclic bandwidth, the bandwidth sum
    and cyclic bandwidth sum on Tn and Gn.

    K 割宽临界树的构造
    张振坤, 叶稀琼
    2022, 37(4):  366-379.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.004
    摘要 ( 114 )   PDF (408KB) ( 67 )  
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    The cutwidth of a graph G is the minimum number of overlap edges when G is embedded into a path Pn. The cutwidth problem for a graph G is to determine the cutwidth of G. A graph G with cutwidth k is k-cutwidth critical if every proper subgraph of G has cutwidth less than k and G is homeomorphically minimal. In this paper, we completely investigated methods of forming a k-cutwidth (k >1) critical tree T.
    张庆楠, 惠志昊, 杨雨, 王安
    2022, 37(4):  380-385.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.005
    摘要 ( 179 )   PDF (344KB) ( 131 )  
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     Let G be a connected graph having a perfect matching. The graph G is said to be induced matching (IM) extendable if every induced matching M of G is contained in a perfect matching of G. In this paper, we show that Halin graph G =T ∪C is IMextendable if and only if its characteristic tree T is isomorphic to K1,3, K1,5, K1,7 or S2,2.
    李贝贝, 尚卫苹
    2022, 37(4):  386-393.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.006
    摘要 ( 164 )   PDF (336KB) ( 134 )  
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    For a graph G = (V,E), a Roman {2}-dominating function f :V → {0,1,2} has the property that for every vertex v ∈V with f(v) = 0, either v is adjacent to at least one vertex u for which f(u) = 2, or at least two vertices u1 and u2 for which f(u1) =f(u2) = 1. A Roman {2}-dominating function f = (V0,V1,V2) is called independent if V1∪V2 is an independent set. The weight of an independent Roman {2}-dominating function f is the value ω(f) =\sumv∈V f(v), and the independent Roman {2}-domination number i{R2}(G) is the minimum weight of an independent Roman {2}-dominating function on G. In this paper, we characterize all trees with i{R2}(T) =γ(T)+ 1, and give a linear time algorithm to compute the value of i{R2}(T) for any tree T. 
    张利齐, 周松涛, 录岭法
    2022, 37(4):  394-402.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.007
    摘要 ( 86 )   PDF (268KB) ( 62 )  
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    In a recent paper, Feng et al. [5] (Two-agent scheduling with rejection on a single machine. Appl. Math. Model. 39 (2015) 1183-1193) studied some two-agent scheduling problems with rejection on a single machine. The authors showed that all problems are NP-hard and then provided four dynamic programming algorithms. Unfortunately, we observe that some mistakes are contained in the two dynamic programming algorithms. In this note, we first show by a counter-example that the above two algorithms are incorrect. Furthermore, we also provide two new dynamic programming algorithms to solve the same problems.
    付乳燕, 林琳
    2022, 37(4):  403-411.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.008
    摘要 ( 98 )   PDF (281KB) ( 66 )  
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    We consider parallel-batch machines scheduling problem with a single server to minimize the maximum completion time. Jobs arrive over time. Every batch has to be loaded by the sever before being processed on machines. The loading (setup) operation of a batch occurs only when some machine is idle, and the server can perform only one setup operation every time. For some special case, we provide a best possible online algorithm with competitive ratio (√ 5+ 1)/2. For general case, we give another online algorithm with competitive ratio 3. 
    申惠军, 耿志超
    2022, 37(4):  412-421.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.009
    摘要 ( 138 )   PDF (295KB) ( 99 )  
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    The single-machine lot scheduling problem with splittable jobs to minimize the number of tardy jobs has been showed to be weakly NP-hard in the literature. In this paper, we show that a generalized version of this problem in which jobs have deadlines is strongly NP-hard, and also present the results of some related scheduling problems. 
    高园, 党佳瑞, 彭娟
    2022, 37(4):  422-429.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.010
    摘要 ( 109 )   PDF (293KB) ( 76 )  
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    We study the scheduling on an unbounded parallel-batch machine with jobs having set-up times to minimize a regular objective function which is either of the sumform or of the max-form. As we know, in the existing literature, the research about parallel-batch scheduling does not consider the set-up times of jobs. However, the set-up times of jobs are widely presented in practical applications. Each job considered in this paper has a set-up time. The set-up time of each batch is equal to the maximum set-up time of all jobs contained in the batch, and the processing time of each batch is equal to the longest processing time of the jobs contained in the batch. Depending on the different definitions of the completion time of a job, we consider two types of jobs: batch jobs and drop-line jobs. For batch jobs, the completion time of a job is given by the completion time of the batch containing this job. For drop-line jobs, the completion time of a job is given by the starting time of the batch containing this job plus the processing time of this job. In this paper, we give pseudo-polynomial time algorithms for the above scheduling problems in which the jobs have agreeable processing times and set-up times. In addition, when the objective functions are the total weighted completion time, the maximum lateness, and the maximum cost, we present a polynomial time algorithm, respectively. 
    赵秋兰, 原晋江
    2022, 37(4):  430-431.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.011
    摘要 ( 118 )   PDF (226KB) ( 109 )  
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    It is well-known that the Petersen graph is nonhamiltonian. A very short proof for this result was presented in [2] due to D. B. West. In this note, by extending the proof technique in [2], we briefly show that the girth of every 3-regular hamiltonian graph on n≥10 vertices is at most (n+ 4)/3.
    张义冉, 王秀梅
    2022, 37(4):  432-440.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2022.04.012
    摘要 ( 121 )   PDF (336KB) ( 107 )  
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    Let G be a graph and C be an arbitrary even cycle of G. The graph G is called a cycle-forced graph if G−V (C) has a unique perfect matching. When C is an arbitrary induced even cycle of G, G is called an induced-cycle-forced graph. If G−V (C) has no perfect matching, G is said to be cycle-bad. This paper gives characterizations of these three type of graphs in the class of 2-connected claw-free cubic graphs.