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    2023年 第38卷 第1期    刊出日期:2023-03-30
    李永凤, 朱城志, 刘艳伟
    2023, 38(1):  1-19.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2023.01.001
    摘要 ( 139 )   PDF (2367KB) ( 267 )  
    相关文章 | 计量指标
     In this paper, a pest-dependent model and integrated pest management
    strategy is proposed, that is, when pest populations reach levels that impair economic
    development, we will use a combination of strategies, such as biological, cultural and
    chemical control strategies reduce pests to a reasonable level. First, we investigated the
    system without control measures, and discussed the existence and stability of equilibria,
    we also proved the system has no limit cycle. Then, a state feedback impulsive model is
    constructed, the existence and uniqueness of the order-one periodic solution are proved
    by means of the successor function method to confirm the feasibility of the biological and
    chemical control strategy of pest management. Secondly, the stability of system is proved
    by the analogue of the Poincar ´ e criterion. Finally, we give an example and numerical
    simulations to explain the mathematical conclusions.
    王培珍, 田旭
    2023, 38(1):  20-29.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2023.01.002
    摘要 ( 127 )   PDF (307KB) ( 177 )  
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     In this article, the virtual element method of the Allen-Cahn equation on a
    polygon grid is discussed in the fully discrete formulation. With the help of the energy
    projection operator, we give the corresponding error estimates in the L2 norm and H1
    任世全, 王冲
    2023, 38(1):  30-49.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2023.01.003
    摘要 ( 169 )   PDF (389KB) ( 136 )  
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     In 2020, Alexander Grigor’yan, Yong Lin and Shing-Tung Yau [6] introduced
    the Reidemeister torsion and the analytic torsion for digraphs by means of the path
    complex and the path homology theory. Based on the analytic torsion for digraphs
    introduced in [6], we consider the notion of weighted analytic torsion for vertex-weighted
    digraphs. For any non-vanishing real functions f and g on the vertex set, we consider the
    vertex-weighted digraphs with the weights ( f,g ). We calculate the ( f,g )-weighted analytic
    torsion by examples and prove that the ( f,g )-weighted analytic torsion only depend on
    the ratio f/g . In particular, if the weight is of the diagonal form ( f,f ), then the weighted
    analytic torsion equals to the usual (un-weighted) torsion.
    SARWAR Qanitah 黄振友 ZAHID Abdul Hannan
    2023, 38(1):  50-61.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2023.01.004
    摘要 ( 176 )   PDF (279KB) ( 172 )  
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    We aim to find the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of the barrier potential
    case for Strum-Liouville operator on the finite interval [0 ,π ] when λ> 0. Generally, the
    eigenvalue problem for the Sturm-Liouville operator is often solved by using integral
    equations, which are sometimes complex to solve, and difficulties may arise in computing
    the boundary values. Considering the said complexity, we have successfully developed
    a technique to give the asymptotic formulae of the eigenvalue and the eigenfunction for
    Sturm-Liouville operator with barrier potential. The results are of significant interest in
    the field of quantum mechanics and atomic systems to observe discrete energy levels.
    2023, 38(1):  62-84.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2023.01.005
    摘要 ( 154 )   PDF (404KB) ( 267 )  
    相关文章 | 计量指标
    This paper studies a class of nonconvex composite optimization, whose
    objective is a summation of an average of nonconvex (weakly) smooth functions and a
    convex nonsmooth function, where the gradient of the former function has the Hölder
    continuity. By exploring the structure of such kind of problems, we first propose a
    proximal (quasi-)Newton algorithm wPQN (Proximal quasi-Newton algorithm for weakly
    smooth optimization) and investigate its theoretical complexities to find an approximate
    solution. Then we propose a stochastic variant algorithm wPSQN (Proximal stochastic
    quasi-Newton algorithm for weakly smooth optimization), which allows a random subset
    of component functions to be used at each iteration. Moreover, motivated by recent
    success of variance reduction techniques, we propose two variance reduced algorithms,
    wPSQN-SVRG and wPSQN-SARAH, and investigate their computational complexity
    2023, 38(1):  85-96.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2023.01.006
    摘要 ( 70 )   PDF (331KB) ( 102 )  
    相关文章 | 计量指标
    The article explores a mean-CVaR ratio model with returns distribution
    uncertainty. To describe the uncertainty of returns distribution, a mixture ellipsoidal
    distribution absorbing some typical distributions such as the mixture distribution and
    and ellipsoidal distribution is introduced. Then, by using robust technique with some
    assumptions, the original robust mean-CVaR ratio model can be formulated as a second-
    order cone optimization model where the underlying random returns have a mixture
    ellipsoidal distribution. As an illustration, the corresponding robust optimization models
    are applied to allocations of assets in securities market. Numerical simulations are
    presented to illustrate the relation between robustness and optimality and to compare
    mixture ellipsoidal distribution to some typical distributions as well.
    龙沁怡, 徐丽平
    2023, 38(1):  97-110.  doi:10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2023.01.007
    摘要 ( 90 )   PDF (347KB) ( 63 )  
    相关文章 | 计量指标
     Firstly, the maximum likelihood estimate and asymptotic confidence interval
    of the unkown parameter for the Topp-Leone distribution are obtained under Type-I left
    censored samples, furthermore, the asymptotic confidence interval of reliability function
    is obtained based on monotonicity. Secondly, under different loss functions, the Bayesian
    estimates of the unkown parameter and reliability function are obtained, and the expected
    mean square errors of Bayesian estimates are calculated. Monte-Carlo method is used to
    calculate the mean values and relative errors of the estimates. Finally, an example of life
    data is analyzed by using the statistical method in this paper.