数学季刊 ›› 2008, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (2): 309-316.
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LIU Xue-fei(1962-), male, native of Chongqing, an associate professor of Chongqing Three
Gorges University, engages in N-body problems of dynamical system and their applications.
About author:
LIU Xue-fei(1962-), male, native of Chongqing, an associate professor of Chongqing Three
Gorges University, engages in N-body problems of dynamical system and their applications.
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摘要: A new case configuration in R3, the conjugate-nest consisted of one regular tetrahedron and one regular octahedron is discussed. If the configuration is a central configuration, then all masses of outside layer are equivalent, the masses of inside layer are also equivalent. At the same time the following relation between ρ(r = √3/3 ρ is the radius ratio of the sizes) and mass ratio τ = m~/m must be satisfied τ = ... and for any mass ratio τ, when mass ratio τ is in the open interval (0,0.03871633950 ···), there exist three central configuration solutions(the initial configuration conditions who im- ply hamagraphic solutions) corresponding radius ratios are r1,r2, and r3, two of them in the interval (2.639300779··· ,+∞) and one is in the interval (0.7379549890···, 1.490942703···). when mass ratio τ is in the open interval (130.8164950··· ,+∞), in the same way there have three corresponding radius ratios, two of them in the interval (0,0.4211584789···) and one is in the interval (0.7379549890···, 1.490942703···). When mass ratio τ is in the open interval (0.03871633950···, 130.8164950···), there has only one solution r in the interval (0.7379549890···, 1.490942703···).
刘学飞, 向以华 . 一类由正四面体和正八面体组成的共轭套中心构型[J]. 数学季刊, 2008, 23(2): 309-316.
LIU Xue-fei, XIANG Yi-hua. A New Kind of Conjugate-nested Central Configurations in Consisted of One Regular Tetrahedron and One Regular Octahedron [J]. Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics, 2008, 23(2): 309-316.
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