作者简介:XIANG Ming-sen(1966-),male,native of Gushi,Henan,a lecturer of North China Institute of Water
Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power,M.S.D.,engages in soliton theory;LUO Man(1968-),female,native of Kaifeng,Henan,a lecturer of Henan Institute of Finance and Economics,M.S.D.,engages in soliton theory.
About author:XIANG Ming-sen(1966-),male,native of Gushi,Henan,a lecturer of North China Institute of Water
Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power,M.S.D.,engages in soliton theory;LUO Man(1968-),female,native of Kaifeng,Henan,a lecturer of Henan Institute of Finance and Economics,M.S.D.,engages in soliton theory.