数学季刊 ›› 1996, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (1): 76-77.

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A Simple Method for Computing the Homeomorphism Class of  G.M. △ and  G.M. 


  1. University  of Staff und  Workers  of Agriculture  Reclamation

  • 收稿日期:1994-03-27 出版日期:1996-03-30 发布日期:2025-02-26

A Simple Method for Computing the Homeomorphism Class of  G.M. △ and  G.M.

  1. University  of Staff und  Workers  of Agriculture  Reclamation
  • Received:1994-03-27 Online:1996-03-30 Published:2025-02-26

摘要: In this paper we suggest a simple method for compute the homeomorphism class of G.M.△ and  G.M. 

Abstract: In this paper we suggest a simple method for compute the homeomorphism class of G.M.△ and  G.M. 
