数学季刊 ›› 2017, Vol. 32 ›› Issue (2): 172-180.doi: 10.13371/j.cnki.chin.q.j.m.2017.02.007

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  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Pu'er University2. Department of Mathematics,Northwest University
  • 收稿日期:2014-09-30 出版日期:2017-06-30 发布日期:2020-10-23
  • 作者简介:WANG Jun-jie(1981-), male, native of Taiyuan, Shanxi, an associate professor of Pu'er University, engages in multi-symplectic method.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the Differential Equation Innovation Team(CXTD003,2013XYZ19);

Multi-symplectic Geometry and Preissmann Scheme for GSDBM Equation

  1. 1. Department of Mathematics, Pu'er University2. Department of Mathematics,Northwest University
  • Received:2014-09-30 Online:2017-06-30 Published:2020-10-23
  • About author:WANG Jun-jie(1981-), male, native of Taiyuan, Shanxi, an associate professor of Pu'er University, engages in multi-symplectic method.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the Differential Equation Innovation Team(CXTD003,2013XYZ19);

摘要: The multi-symplectic geometry for the GSDBM equation is presented in this paper. The multi-symplectic formulations for the GSDBM equation are presented and the local conservation laws are shown to correspond to certain well-known Hamiltonian functionals. The multi-symplectic discretization of each formulation is exemplified by the multisymplectic Preissmann scheme. The numerical experiments are given, and the results verify the efficiency of the Preissmann scheme. 

关键词: Dodd-Bullough-Mikhailov equation, multi-symplectic theory, Hamilton space, Preissmann scheme, local conservation laws

Abstract: The multi-symplectic geometry for the GSDBM equation is presented in this paper. The multi-symplectic formulations for the GSDBM equation are presented and the local conservation laws are shown to correspond to certain well-known Hamiltonian functionals. The multi-symplectic discretization of each formulation is exemplified by the multisymplectic Preissmann scheme. The numerical experiments are given, and the results verify the efficiency of the Preissmann scheme. 

Key words: Dodd-Bullough-Mikhailov equation, multi-symplectic theory, Hamilton space; Preissmann scheme, local conservation laws
