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    2012年 第27卷 第1期    刊出日期:2012-03-30
    唐林山, 江成顺
    2012, 27(1):  1-10. 
    摘要 ( 49 )   PDF (413KB) ( 15 )  
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    This paper is concerned with the following n-th ordinary differential equation: {u(n)(t) = ...=0, where a, c ∈ R, ≥, such that a2+b2 >0 and c2+d2>0, n ≥ 2, f: [0,1] × R → R is a continuous function. Assume that f satisfies one-sided Nagumo condition, the existence theorems of solutions of the boundary value problem for the n-th-order nonlinear differential equations above are established by using Leray-Schauder degree theory, lower and upper solutions, a priori estimate technique. 
    王贺元, 崔妍, 黄敏
    2012, 27(1):  11-17. 
    摘要 ( 42 )   PDF (626KB) ( 30 )  
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    A new seven-modes truncation of Fourier series of Navier-Stokes equations for a two-dimensional incompressible fluid on a torus is obtained. And its stationary solutions, the existence of attractor and the global stability of the equations are firmly proved. At the same time, several issues such as some basic dynamical behaviors and routs to chaos are shown numerically by changing Reynolds number. The system exhibits a stochastic behavior approached through an involved sequence of bifurcations.

    张兵, 梁童
    2012, 27(1):  18-23. 
    摘要 ( 39 )   PDF (307KB) ( 23 )  
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    The stabilization problem of systems that switch among a finite set of slowly varying linear systems with arbitrary switching frequency is discussed. It is shown that if the entries of the pointwise stabilizing feedback gain matrix are continuously differentiable functions of the entries of the system coefficient matrices, then the closed-loop system is uniformly asymptotically stable if the rate of time variation of the system coefficient matrices is sufficiently small.

    2012, 27(1):  24-28. 
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    In this paper, we are concerned with the existence of multiple positive solutions to a second-order three-point boundary value problem on the half-line. The results are obtained by the Leggett-Williams fixed point theorem.

    陶祥兴, 方益
    2012, 27(1):  29-35. 
    摘要 ( 46 )   PDF (341KB) ( 68 )  
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    The purpose of this paper is to give the element proof of the regularity estimates in Orlicz classes for the second order derivatives of the solutions to the general second order elliptic equations. The global regularities in Orlicz for the second order derivatives of the solutions of the Dirichlet problems are also given.

    卢世芳, 赵海兴
    2012, 27(1):  36-40. 
    摘要 ( 60 )   PDF (268KB) ( 51 )  
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    For a simple graph G, let matrix Q(G)=D(G) + A(G) be it’s signless Laplacian matrix and QG(λ)=det(λI Q) it’s signless Laplacian characteristic polynomial, where D(G) denotes the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees of G, A(G) denotes its adjacency matrix of G. If all eigenvalues of QG(λ) are integral, then the graph G is called Q-integral. In this paper, we obtain that the signless Laplacian characteristic polynomials of the complete multi-partite graphs G=Kn1,n2,···,nt. We prove that the complete t-partite graphs K(n,n,···,n)t are Q-integral and give a necessary and sufficient condition for the complete multipartite graphs K(m,···,m)s(n,···,n)t to be Q-integral. We also obtain that the signless Laplacian characteristic polynomials of the complete multipartite graphs K(m,···,m,)s1(n,···,n,)s2(l,···,l)s3
    王轲, 王欣, 李娴
    2012, 27(1):  41-53. 
    摘要 ( 40 )   PDF (424KB) ( 30 )  
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    In these two papers (Ⅰ) and (Ⅱ), the singular upper triangle type solutions with spin 1/2 of quantum Yang-Baxter equation are given. In the Paper (Ⅱ), we give the general solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation in this case.

    王亮, 师义民, 常萍
    2012, 27(1):  54-58. 
    摘要 ( 40 )   PDF (270KB) ( 18 )  
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    The empirical Bayes test problem is considered for scale parameter of two-parameter exponential distribution under type-II censored data. By using wavelets estimation method, the EB test function is constructed, of which the asymptotic optimality and convergence rates are obtained. Finally, an example concerning the main result is given.

    张云秀, 顾惠
    2012, 27(1):  59-62. 
    摘要 ( 42 )   PDF (242KB) ( 49 )  
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    Suppose F0 is an arbitrary triangle and F is a kind of Sierpinski carpet generated by F0. We construct a projection mapping to obtain the lower bound of the Hausdorff measure of F; meanwhile the upper bound of the Hausdorff measure of F is calculated by the general covering.

    2012, 27(1):  63-67. 
    摘要 ( 47 )   PDF (252KB) ( 50 )  
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    In this paper, a new GLKKM theorem in L-convex spaces is established. As applications, a new fixed point theorem and a maximal element theorem are obtained in Lconvex spaces. Finally, equilibrium existence theorems for economies and qualitative games in L-convex spaces are yielded.

    王立伟, 束立生, 瞿萌
    2012, 27(1):  68-73. 
    摘要 ( 51 )   PDF (327KB) ( 46 )  
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    In this paper, the authors introduce the central bounded oscillation space CBMOq(Rn), let [b,Tα] be the commutator generated by fractional integral operators with variable kernels and CBMO function, we establish the boundedness of [b,Tα] on homogeneous Morrey-Herz spaces.

    苏孟龙, 刘麦学
    2012, 27(1):  74-78. 
    摘要 ( 36 )   PDF (247KB) ( 31 )  
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    In this paper, we are mainly devoted to solving fixed point problems in more general nonconvex sets via an interior point homotopy method. Under suitable conditions, a constructive proof is given to prove the existence of fixed points, which can lead to an implementable globally convergent algorithm.

    2012, 27(1):  79-86. 
    摘要 ( 46 )   PDF (380KB) ( 42 )  
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    In this paper a zero-density estimate of the large sieve type is given for the automorphic L-function Lf(s,χ), where f is a holomorphic cusp form and χ a Dirichlet character of mod q.

    韩友发, 阎昕明, 吕丽莉
    2012, 27(1):  87-91. 
    摘要 ( 34 )   PDF (1069KB) ( 28 )  
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    In this paper, we discuss the properties of the colored Jones function of knots. Particularly, we calculate the colored Jones function of some knots(31,41,51,52). Furthermore, one can compute the Kashaev’s invariants and study some properties of the Kashaev’s conjecture.

    辛小青, 陈祥恩, 王志文
    2012, 27(1):  92-97. 
    摘要 ( 51 )   PDF (297KB) ( 34 )  
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    Let G be a simple graph of order at least 2. A VE-total-coloring using k colors of a graph G is a mapping f from V (G) E(G) into {1,2,···,k} such that no edge receives the same color as one of its endpoints. Let C(u)={f(u)} {f(uv) | uv ∈ E(G)} be the color-set of u. If C(u)=C(v) for any two vertices u and v of V (G), then f is called a k-vertex-distinguishing VE-total coloring of G or a k-VDVET coloring of G for short. The minimum number of colors required for a VDVET coloring of G is denoted by χvevt(G) and it is called the VDVET chromatic number of G. In this paper we get cycle Cn, path Pn and complete graph Kn of their VDVET chromatic numbers and propose a related conjecture. 
    王玉雷, 孙大为, 王志俊
    2012, 27(1):  98-103. 
    摘要 ( 76 )   PDF (306KB) ( 19 )  
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    In this paper, the automorphism group of G is determined, where G is a 4 × 4 upper unitriangular matrix group over Z. Let K be the subgroup of AutG consisting of all elements of AutG which act trivially on G/G, G /ζG and ζG, then (i) InnG K AutG; (ii) AutG/K≌=G1×D8×Z2, where G1=(a,b,c|a4=b2=c2=1, ab=a-1, [a,c]= [b,c]=1; (iii) K/InnG≌=Z×Z×Z.

    吴田峰, 周佳, 王运霞
    2012, 27(1):  104-109. 
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    In this paper, we discuss some properties of distribution functions of τ-measurable operators and obtain non-commutative analogue of Kolmogorov inequality and Zygmund inequality.

    王新利, 曹璋龙
    2012, 27(1):  110-116. 
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    In this paper, with the idea of weighted sharing values, we deal with the problem of uniqueness of mesomorphic functions sharing three weighted values. We obtain some theorems which improve the results of H X Yi and W R Lu.

    司家芳, 蒋威
    2012, 27(1):  117-122. 
    摘要 ( 34 )   PDF (271KB) ( 16 )  
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    The problem of sliding mode control for fractional differential systems with statedelay is considered. A novel sliding surface is proposed and a controller is designed correspondingly, such that the state starting from any initial value will move toward the switching surface and reach the sliding surface in finite time and the state variables on the sliding surface will converge to equilibrium point. And the stability of the proposed control design is discussed.

    秦克云, 张晓华
    2012, 27(1):  123-127. 
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    This paper is devoted to the discussion of homomorphic properties of fuzzy rough groups. The fuzzy approximation space was generated by fuzzy normal subgroups and the fuzzy rough approximation operators were discussed in the frame of fuzzy rough set model. The basic properties of fuzzy rough approximation operators were obtained.

    2012, 27(1):  128-132. 
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    Let R be a noetherian ring and S an excellent extension of R. cid(M) denotes the copure injective dimension of M and cfd(M) denotes the copure flat dimension of M. We prove that if M S is a right S-module then cid(M S)=cid(M R) and if S M is a left S-module then cfd(S M)=cfd(R M). Moreover, cid-D(S)=cid-D(R) and cfd-D(S)=cfdD(R).

    2012, 27(1):  133-138. 
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    Duality framework on vector optimization problems in a locally convex topological vector space are established by using scalarization with a cone-strongly increasing function. The dualities for the scalar convex composed optimization problems and for general vector optimization problems are studied. A general approach for studying duality in vector optimization problems is presented.

    刘海军, 郭小江
    2012, 27(1):  139-144. 
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    In this paper, we introduce Lawson partial order ≤w on wrpp semigroups. After obtaining some properties of ≤w, we determine when ≤w is (left; right) compatible with the multiplication. These results extend and enrich the related results of Lawson and GuoLuo on abundant semigroups, of Guo-Shum on rpp semigroups and of Liu-Guo on wrpp semigroups.

    张蒙, 宋国华
    2012, 27(1):  145-151. 
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    A class of hyperbolic equations with continuous distributed deviating arguments is considered and its oscillation theorems are discussed. These theorems are of higher degree of generality and deal with the cases which are not covered by the known criteria. Particularly,these criteria extend and unify a number of existing results.

    谢亚君, 马昌凤
    2012, 27(1):  152-158. 
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    The box constrained variational inequality problem can be reformulated as a nonsmooth equation by using median operator. In this paper, we present a smoothing Newton method for solving the box constrained variational inequality problem based on a new smoothing approximation function. The proposed algorithm is proved to be well defined and convergent globally under weaker conditions.