数学季刊 ›› 2012, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (1): 36-40.

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  1. 1. Department of Basic, Qinghai University 2. Department of Mathematics, Qinghai Normal University

  • 收稿日期:2009-09-03 出版日期:2012-03-30 发布日期:2023-04-04
  • 作者简介:LU Shi-fang(1970-), female, native of Xining, Qinghai, an associate professor of Qinghai University, M.S.D., engages in graph theory; ZHAO Hai-xing(1969-), male, native of Xining, Qinghai, a professor of Qinghai Normal University, engages in operations research.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the NSFC(60863006); Supported by the NCET(-06-0912); Supported by the Science-Technology Foundation for Middle-aged and Yong Scientist of Qinghai University(2011-QGY-8)

Signless Laplacian Characteristic Polynomials of Complete Multipartite Graphs

  1. 1. Department of Basic, Qinghai University 2. Department of Mathematics, Qinghai Normal University

  • Received:2009-09-03 Online:2012-03-30 Published:2023-04-04
  • About author:LU Shi-fang(1970-), female, native of Xining, Qinghai, an associate professor of Qinghai University, M.S.D., engages in graph theory; ZHAO Hai-xing(1969-), male, native of Xining, Qinghai, a professor of Qinghai Normal University, engages in operations research.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the NSFC(60863006); Supported by the NCET(-06-0912); Supported by the Science-Technology Foundation for Middle-aged and Yong Scientist of Qinghai University(2011-QGY-8)

摘要: For a simple graph G, let matrix Q(G)=D(G) + A(G) be it’s signless Laplacian matrix and QG(λ)=det(λI Q) it’s signless Laplacian characteristic polynomial, where D(G) denotes the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees of G, A(G) denotes its adjacency matrix of G. If all eigenvalues of QG(λ) are integral, then the graph G is called Q-integral. In this paper, we obtain that the signless Laplacian characteristic polynomials of the complete multi-partite graphs G=Kn1,n2,···,nt. We prove that the complete t-partite graphs K(n,n,···,n)t are Q-integral and give a necessary and sufficient condition for the complete multipartite graphs K(m,···,m)s(n,···,n)t to be Q-integral. We also obtain that the signless Laplacian characteristic polynomials of the complete multipartite graphs K(m,···,m,)s1(n,···,n,)s2(l,···,l)s3

关键词: the signless Laplacian spectrum, the complete multipartite graphs, the Qintegral

Abstract: For a simple graph G, let matrix Q(G)=D(G) + A(G) be it’s signless Laplacian matrix and QG(λ)=det(λI Q) it’s signless Laplacian characteristic polynomial, where D(G) denotes the diagonal matrix of vertex degrees of G, A(G) denotes its adjacency matrix of G. If all eigenvalues of QG(λ) are integral, then the graph G is called Q-integral. In this paper, we obtain that the signless Laplacian characteristic polynomials of the complete multi-partite graphs G=Kn1,n2,···,nt. We prove that the complete t-partite graphs K(n,n,···,n)t are Q-integral and give a necessary and sufficient condition for the complete multipartite graphs K(m,···,m)s(n,···,n)t to be Q-integral. We also obtain that the signless Laplacian characteristic polynomials of the complete multipartite graphs K(m,···,m,)s1(n,···,n,)s2(l,···,l)s3

Key words: the signless Laplacian spectrum, the complete multipartite graphs, the Qintegral
