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    2012年 第27卷 第2期    刊出日期:2012-06-30


    张香伟, 王建平
    2012, 27(2):  159-164. 
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    In this article, we give a description of measure-valued processes with interactive stochastic flows. It is a unified construction for superprocesses with dependent spatial motion constructed by Dawson, LI, Wang and superprocesses of stochastic flows constructed by Ma and Xiang.

    陈士超, 车颖涛
    2012, 27(2):  165-168. 
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    Let n,m,k be positive integers and bm,k be the number of representations of n as n = ma0 + ma1 + ··· + maj with 0 ≤ a0 ≤ a1 ≤···≤ aj<k. In this note, we obtain some congruences and distribution properties of bm,k.

    张红, 汤建钢, 李国华
    2012, 27(2):  169-176. 
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    In this paper, it gives the definition of the category of L-sets and bi-induced maps whose true value set is a Locale, a complete Heyting algebra. In this category it defines the Lb-monomorphisms and the Lb-epimorphisms. Especially, it gives the definition, the judgmental theorem of Lb-coequalizers. Furthermore, it defines Lb-regular epimorphisms and proves the judgmental theorem. At the end it concludes a result: the category of L-sets and bi-induced maps is finitely cocomplete. 
    2012, 27(2):  177-182. 
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    Based on Manasevich-Mawhin continuation theorem and some analysis skill, some sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic solutions for mixed type p-Laplacian equation with deviating arguments are established, which are complement of previously known results.

    张颖, 李吉娜, 张江红, 宋晓倩
    2012, 27(2):  183-190. 
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    By using Xu’s stable-range method, families of explicit exact solutions with multiple parameter functions for the (2+1)-dimensional breaking soliton and Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equations. These parameter functions make our solutions more applicable to related practical models and boundary value problems.

    曹向东, 刘峙山
    2012, 27(2):  191-195. 
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    In this paper, we correct a flaw for the H2-cordiality of Kn appeared in M. Ghebleh and R Khoeilar’s paper, and give a necessary and suflcient condition for a complete graph Kn to be H2-cordial.

    杨纪华, 刘媚
    2012, 27(2):  196-203. 
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    A mathematical model of man-machine system is considered. Based on the reference [4], the direction and stability of the Hopf bifurcation are determined using the normal form method and the center manifold theory. Furthermore,the existence of Hopf-zero bifurcation is discussed. In the end, some numerical simulations are carried out to illustrate the results found.

    2012, 27(2):  204-212. 
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    We characterize the boundedness and compactness of the product of extended Cesaro operator and composition operator TgCφ from generalized Besov spaces to Zygmund spaces, where g is a given holomorphic function in the unit disk D, φ is an analytic self-map of D and TgCφ is defined by TgCφf(z) = f(φ(t))g’(t)dt from t=0 to z.

    李长稳, 胡滨
    2012, 27(2):  213-217. 
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    In this paper the influence of s-quasinormally embedded and c-supplemented subgroups on the p-nilpotency of finite groups is investigate and some recent results are generalized.

    王文, 杨世国
    2012, 27(2):  218-223. 
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    The relation between the circum-radius and the in-radius of an n-dimensional simplex in En is studied. Two new generalizations of Euler inequality for the n-dimensional simplex are established. Besides, we obtain some stronger generalizations of Euler inequality for the n-dimensional simplex than previously known results.

    2012, 27(2):  224-231. 
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    With the help of the variable-coefficient generalized projected Ricatti equation expansion method, we present exact solutions for the generalized (2+1)-dimensional nonlinear Schrdinger equation with variable coefficients. These solutions include solitary wave solutions, soliton-like solutions and trigonometric function solutions. Among these solutions, some are found for the first time.

    2012, 27(2):  232-237. 
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    In this paper, we study the large-time behavior of periodic solutions for parabolic conservation laws. There is no smallness assumption on the initial data. We firstly get the local existence of the solution by the iterative scheme, then we get the exponential decay estimates for the solution by energy method and maximum principle, and obtain the global solution in the same time.

    2012, 27(2):  238-245. 
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    We use the modified Adomian decomposition method(ADM) for solving the nonlinear fractional boundary value problem {D(α0) + u(x) = f(x, u(x)), 0 < x < 1, 3 < α≤ 4 u(0) = α0, u’’ (0) = α2 u(1) = β0, u’’(1) = β2} (1) where D(0α)+u is Caputo fractional derivative and α0, α2, β0, β2 is not zero at all, and f:[0,1]×R→ R is continuous. The calculated numerical results show reliability and efficiency of the algorithm given. The numerical procedure is tested on linear and nonlinear problems. 

    刘春辉, 徐罗山
    2012, 27(2):  246-253. 
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    In this paper, the topological space (PFMP(X), T) based on prime MP-filters of a lattice FI-algebra X is constructed firstly and we proved that it is a compact T0-space if X with condition (P). Secondly, we restricted T to the set of all maximal MP-filters MFMP(X) of X and concluded that (PFMP(X), T |(PFMP(X))) is a compact T2 space if X with conditions (P) and (S).

    刘振杰, 方小超, 李明, 高志英
    2012, 27(2):  254-258. 
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    In this paper, we investigate the existence of periodic solutions of a semi-ratio-dependent predator-prey diffusion system with functional responses and time delays in a two-patch environment on time scales by using a continuation theorem based on coincidence degree theory.

    2012, 27(2):  259-269. 
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    Haberl and Ludwig introduced the Lp-intersection body IpK for an origin-symmetric star body K in Rn, where p < 1 and p ≠ 0. In this paper, we consider the Busemann-Petty’s problem for Lp-intersection bodies IpK and IpL. That is, whether IpK  IpL implies Voln(K) ≤ Voln(L). We obtain that for two origin-symmetric star bodies K and L in Rn, such that (Rn, ||·||K) embeds in Lp and IpK  IpL, then voln(K) ≤ voln(L) for 0 < p < 1 and voln(K) ≥ voln(L) for p < 0. 
    魏含玉, 童艳春, 夏铁成
    2012, 27(2):  270-273. 
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    In this work, using the Hirota bilinear method, N-soliton solution is obtained for Hirota-Satsuma nonlinear evolution equation: ut- uxxt-3uxut+ux= 0.

    狄艳媚, 金永阳, 沈守枫, 姜丽亚
    2012, 27(2):  274-279. 
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    In this paper we obtain the fundamental solution for a class of weighted Baouendi-Grushin type operator Lp,γ,αu = ▽γ·(|▽γu|p-2ραγu) on Rm+n with singularity at the origin, where ▽γ is the gradient operator defined by ▽γ =(▽x,|x|γy) and ρ is the distance function. As an application, we get some Hardy type inequalities associated with ▽γ.

    石启宏, 杨建伟, 王长有
    2012, 27(2):  280-285. 
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    This paper is concerned with the following nonlinear difference equation: xn+1=… (1.1). The more simple suffcient conditions of asymptotic stability are obtained by using a smart technique, which extends and includes partially corresponding results obtained in the references [6-9]. The global behavior of the solutions is investigated. In addition, in order to support analytic results, some numerical simulations to the special equations are presented. 
    李书海, 马丽娜
    2012, 27(2):  286-292. 
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    A complex-valued harmonic function that is univalent and sense preserving in the unit disk U can be written in the form of f = h + g, where h and g are analytic in U. We define and investigate a new class LHλ(α,β) by generalized Salagean operator of harmonic univalent functions. We give sufficient coefficient conditions for normalized harmonic functions in the class LHλ(α,β). These conditions are also shown to be necessary when the coefficients are negative. This leads to distortion bounds and extreme points. 
    宋利梅, 翁佩查
    2012, 27(2):  293-300. 
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    In this paper, we study a Dirichlet-type boundary value problem (BVP) of nonlinear fractional differential equation with an order α∈(3,4], where the fractional derivative Dαo+ is the standard Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative. By constructing the Green function and investigating its properties, we obtain some criteria for the existence of one positive solution and two positive solutions for the above BVP. The Krasnosel’skii fixed-point theorem in cones is used here. We also give an example to illustrate the applicability of our results. 
    邵远夫, 唐国强
    2012, 27(2):  301-307. 
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    By using Mawhin continuation theorem, an important lemma and some analysis techniques, sufficient conditions ensuring the existence and global attractivity of positive periodic solutions for an impulsive differential equation with time varying delay are investigated.

    2012, 27(2):  308-316. 
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    Let n and d be two positive integers. By Bn,d we denote the graph obtained by identifying an endvertex of path Pd with the center of star Sn-d+1, where n ≥ d + 1. By Cn,d we denote the graph obtained by identifying an endvertex of Pd-1 with the center of Stare Sn-d, and the other endvertex of Pd-1 with the center of S3 where n ≥ d + 3. By En,d,k we denote the graph obtained by identifying the vertex vk of P(v1 - v2 - ··· - vd+1) with the center of Sn-d. In this paper, we completely characterize all trees T which have diameter at least d(d ≥ 3) and satisfy the following conditions:(i) Z(Bn,d) ≤ Z(T) ≤Z(En,d,3) for n = d + 3; (ii) Z(Bn,d) ≤ Z(T) ≤ Z(Cn,d) for n ≥ d + 4.