数学季刊 ›› 2012, Vol. 27 ›› Issue (2): 213-217.

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  1. School of Mathematical Science, Xuzhou Normal University

  • 收稿日期:2010-06-10 出版日期:2012-06-30 发布日期:2023-03-29
  • 作者简介:LI Chang-wen(1978-), male, native of Haian, Jiangsu, a lecturer of Xuzhou Normal University, M.S.D., engages in finite group; HU Bin(1977-), male, native of Yanzhou, Jiangsu, an associate professor of Xuzhou Normal University, Ph.D., engages in finite group.
  • 基金资助:
    Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(11071229); Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(10KJD110004)

A Note on s-quasinormally Embedded and c-supplemented Subgroups of Finite Groups

  1. School of Mathematical Science, Xuzhou Normal University

  • Received:2010-06-10 Online:2012-06-30 Published:2023-03-29
  • About author:LI Chang-wen(1978-), male, native of Haian, Jiangsu, a lecturer of Xuzhou Normal University, M.S.D., engages in finite group; HU Bin(1977-), male, native of Yanzhou, Jiangsu, an associate professor of Xuzhou Normal University, Ph.D., engages in finite group.
  • Supported by:
    Supported by the National Nature Science Foundation of China(11071229); Supported by the Natural Science Foundation of the Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions(10KJD110004)

摘要: In this paper the influence of s-quasinormally embedded and c-supplemented subgroups on the p-nilpotency of finite groups is investigate and some recent results are generalized.

关键词: s-quasinormally embedded, c-supplemented, p-nilpotent

Abstract: In this paper the influence of s-quasinormally embedded and c-supplemented subgroups on the p-nilpotency of finite groups is investigate and some recent results are generalized.

Key words: s-quasinormally embedded, c-supplemented, p-nilpotent
