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    1997年 第12卷 第1期    刊出日期:1997-03-30
    1997, 12(1):  1-3. 
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    The Dirac hierarchy of isospectral evolution equations associated with the Dirac spectral problem are studied in this paper. The commutator representations of Dirac hierarchy are first presented, and then through the nonlinearization of Lax pair the involutive solutions of Dirac hierarchy are obtained. 
    杨燕昌, 王广选
    1997, 12(1):  4-12. 
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    In the paper,we construct two families of the hexagonal graphs G₁(n)and G₂(n),and prove their gracefulness.

    1997, 12(1):  13-17. 
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    In this paper, a criterion of decomposable element in V(2) is obtained , i. e.,... is decomposable if and only if its adjacent coordinate matrices are all "row 1≤i≤j≤n commute" equivalent. 
    冯秀芳, 杨万利
    1997, 12(1):  18-24. 
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    We study a class of semilinear periodic-parabolic boundary value problem with small diffusion coefficients,give its asymptotic behavior when the diffusion cofficients go to limit zero. 
    乔占科, 何万生
    1997, 12(1):  25-29. 
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    As a generalization of strongly π-inverse semigroups given in [1],the notion of strongly right π-inverse semigroup is introduced and some of its characterizations are given. A necessary and suffiient condition is obtained for the class of strongly right π-inverse semigroups. 
    1997, 12(1):  30-34. 
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    Here some properties on filters of double MS-algebras are descripted. We show that,for a normal filter F of a double MS-algebra (L;0, + )(x,y) ∈θ(F) (a,b ∈ F) (x ∧α)∨b+= (y ∧ a)∨ b+. 
    莫嘉琪, 刘树德
    1997, 12(1):  35-37. 
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    A class of fourth order singularly perturbed boundary value problems are studied. The existence of solution and its uniformly valid asymptotic estimation are obtained.
    1997, 12(1):  38-42. 
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    Consider the neutral equation with variable coefficients dt[x(t) - P(t)x(t - γ)] + Q(t)x(t -σ) =0 where P,Q∈C[[t0,,∞),R+] and σ,∈R+. We obtain some new sufficient conditions for the oscillation of soutions of the.abave equation without the restriction:0<= P(t)<=1 or P(t)>= 1. 
    冯兆生, 费树岷
    1997, 12(1):  43-46. 
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    In the present paper we are concerned with the following differential equation with pcriodic coefficients y' = f(t,y) = A(t)y" + B(t)y + C(t) (m>=2,m ∈N) (1)and obtain the theorems for the existence and the number of equation (1). Our results extend and improve the corresponding ones in [1,4]. 
    1997, 12(1):  47-51. 
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    Let X,Y be any posets,the semimodularity of cardinal power YX with base Y and exponent X is studied. Some necessary or sufficient conditions for YX to be semimodular are gaven.
    郭秀兰, 李国强
    1997, 12(1):  52-60. 
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    The solution of nonlinear parabolic equation arising from population dynamics with boundary and initial value are established by the finite difference method,as well as it denotes the unique generalized global solution. 
    1997, 12(1):  61-64. 
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    In this paper twe prove that the inverse limit of metra-projective modules (meta-injective modules resp. ) is also meta-projective (meta-injective resp. ). Let K be a field R1, R2 be K-algebras, we also obtain a sufficient condition for lgldim (R1 R2,)≥lgldim R1+lgldimR2, and wgldim (R1 ) ≥wgldimR1 +wgldimR2 .
    黄文平, 徐少贤
    1997, 12(1):  65-69. 
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    Some properties of nil ideals in BCI-algebras are discussed. The notion of k-associative BCI-algebras which is a generalization of associative and quasi-associative BCI-algebras is introduced. Moreover,several characterizations of k-associative BCI-algebras are given.

    舒世昌, 贾兴琴
    1997, 12(1):  70-75. 
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    Some curvature pinching theorems for compact or complete totally real minimal submanifolds in a quaternion projective space are given,so that the corresponding results due to B. Y.Chen and C. S. Houh as well as Y. B. Shen are improved and generalized. 
    1997, 12(1):  76-80. 
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    This paper discussed the uniqueness of the positive solution for a semilinear elliptic problem with critical exponent.
    1997, 12(1):  81-86. 
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    In this paper,we prove existence results of soutions for the nonlinear implicit complementarity problems NICP(T,S,K) where K is a closed weakly locally compact convex cone in a reflexive Banach space E,T is a nonlinear operator from K into E* (i. e.,the dual space of E) and S is a nonlinear operator from K into E. Our results are the essential improvements and extension of the results obtained previously by several authors including Thera,Ding,and Zeng. 
    1997, 12(1):  87-90. 
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    A norm of a quaternion matrix is defined. The expressions of the least square solutions of the quaternion matrix equation AX = B and the equation with the constraint condition DX = E are given. 
    1997, 12(1):  91-94. 
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    In this paper,first we define the concept of strong open set for topological space. Then we prove: 1 ) a distributive lattice L possesses the smallest set of generating elements if and only if the Stone space (L) of L possesses a smallest base constructed by strong open sets; 2) a Bollean lattice B possesses the smallest set of generating elements if and only if B is a finite Boolean lattice. 
    1997, 12(1):  95-97. 
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    In this paper,we give a fixed point theorem for multi-valued composite increasing operators,in partially ordered spaces,which generalizes the results of [1]-[3] and [5]- [8]. 
    1997, 12(1):  98-103. 
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    We introduce a fundamental connection in Finsler geometry,which is torsion-free and almost compatible with the induced metric. We give the difference between this connection and other known connections.

    冼国荣, 陈卓荣
    1997, 12(1):  104-110. 
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    In this paper,we intreduce the concept and discuss the properties of minimum cycle of row vector in a generalized circulant Fuzzy matrix. We present a new expression for circulant Fuzzy matrix,and discuss some properties of the idempotent elements of the semigroup of generalized circulant Fuzzy matrixes in connection with minimum cycle of row vector.