数学季刊 ›› 1997, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (1): 38-42.

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  1. Department  of Mathematics,Xiangtan  University,Hunan,411105

  • 收稿日期:1995-05-04 出版日期:1997-03-30 发布日期:2024-12-11

Oscillation of Neutral Equations with Variable Coefficients

  1. Department  of Mathematics,Xiangtan  University,Hunan,41110
  • Received:1995-05-04 Online:1997-03-30 Published:2024-12-11

摘要: Consider the neutral equation with variable coefficients dt[x(t) - P(t)x(t - γ)] + Q(t)x(t -σ) =0 where P,Q∈C[[t0,,∞),R+] and σ,∈R+. We obtain some new sufficient conditions for the oscillation of soutions of the.abave equation without the restriction:0<= P(t)<=1 or P(t)>= 1. 

关键词:  neutral equation;variable coefficient;oscillation ,   

Abstract: Consider the neutral equation with variable coefficients dt[x(t) - P(t)x(t - γ)] + Q(t)x(t -σ) =0 where P,Q∈C[[t0,,∞),R+] and σ,∈R+. We obtain some new sufficient conditions for the oscillation of soutions of the.abave equation without the restriction:0<= P(t)<=1 or P(t)>= 1. 

Key words:  neutral equation;variable coefficient;oscillation ,   
