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    1999年 第14卷 第1期    刊出日期:1999-03-30
    1999, 14(1):  1-4. 
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    Recently,Aouf and Darwish[1] proved some estimates in relation to the real part of function ...  for f (z) ∈R(1,k,p ,α).In this paper we improve their results and obtain the sharp estimation.
    徐长发, 蔡超, 皮明红, 朱春喜, 李国宽
    1999, 14(1):  5-9. 
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     Many types of wavelets have been constructed for adapting to different applications.In this paper,we have got a new family of wavelets using the auto-correlation functions of Daubechies wavelets,then discussed its some properties and applications.

    周伦, 祁传达
    1999, 14(1):  10-15. 
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    This paper discussed the stability of model of an age structured population systems, proved that the equilibrium solution systems is globally asymptotically stable.

    孙建平, 张艳娥, 王熙照
    1999, 14(1):  16-21. 
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    In this paper,we first give the solution concept of the fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b. Secondly,we discuss the property of the solution and give the method of solving the fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b. Finally,we present an application of solving fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b to the fuzzy linear regression analysis,establish a new model of fuzzy linear regression,and introduce a new method of estimating parameters. 
    肖建中, 朱杏华
    1999, 14(1):  22-25. 
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    In this paper,the equivalence for continuity and boundedness of the linear operators on a general PN space is proved by means of their probabilistic norm,and the corresponding result in [1] is improved. 
    邱子华, 叶瑞芬
    1999, 14(1):  26-34. 
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    In this paper the author proves that the Phragmen Lindelof principle holds for solutions of elliptic equation (1) with nonstandard growth conditions.
    四阶一般椭圆型复方程的Riemann-Hilbert 问题
    闻国椿, 黄沙
    1999, 14(1):  35-42. 
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    This paper deals with the existence theorem and Riemann Hilbert boundary value problem for general nonlinear elliptic complex equations of fourth order. Firstly we give the representation and existence theorem of solutions for the complex equations. Moreover,we propose the Riemann Hilbert problem and its well posedness,and then we give the representation of solutions for the modified boundary value problem and prove its solvsbility,and finally derive solvability conditions of the original Riemann Hilbert problem. 
    1999, 14(1):  43-46. 
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     In this paper,we discussed the positive definite problem of binary quartic forms and obtained a necessary and sufficient conditions.

    p型空间中Supn ||Sn/(nφ(n))1/p ||的各阶矩
    郭秋丽, 杨长森, 刘洪星
    1999, 14(1):  47-51. 
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     Let B be a p-type Banach space (1<p <2) ,φ( x ) be some slow increasing functions on [0,+∞) ,if {X ,

    Xn,n≥1}is a sequence of i.i.d B-valued random variables,then we obtain a necessary and sufficient condition for the moments of Supn ||Sn/(nφ(n))1/p || being bounded.

    1999, 14(1):  52-54. 
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    In this paper,the Growth and covering Theorems for a kind of spirallike mapping are given. 
    李瑞, 梁庆文
    1999, 14(1):  55-61. 
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    This paper is intended to forecast the demand of the car market and the quantity of car possession in our country in 2000 by means of two statistics methods, i.e. tendency inference and regression analysis, and then its future growth tendency and market demand in our country are analyzed, according to the strategy requirement and the actual facts of our car industry development. 
    1999, 14(1):  62-72. 
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    In this paper,the parametric representation of a kind of spirallike mappings is given. As a direct application,the growth Theorem is set up. Moreover,a character of starlike mappings and a kind of spirallike mappings is obtained. 
    关于Pell方程 x2-8y2=1 and y2-Dz2=1的公解
    潘家宇, 张玉萍, 邹荣
    1999, 14(1):  73-77. 
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     In this paper,we have proved that if one of the following conditions is satisfed,then the equations in title has no positive integer solution:... D≠5*7,29*41*239.

    张诚一, 党平安
    1999, 14(1):  78-81. 
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    In this paper,the pointwise characterizations of fuzzy mappings are given. Based of this definition,we give a few of new properties of fuzzy cardinal numbers. 
    高红铸, 于大哲
    1999, 14(1):  82-87. 
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    A fundamental problem in four dimensional differential topology is to find a surface with minimal genus which represents a given homology class. This problem was considered by many people for closed 4 manifolds. In this paper,we consider this problem for four manifold with boundary. 
    赵晓霞, 林萍, 殷慰萍
    1999, 14(1):  88-101. 
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    In this paper,we will define Gamma functions and Siegel integrals on nonselfdual cones and give some applications.

    朱建青, 靳丽丽
    1999, 14(1):  102-110. 
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    In this paper,a probe method for nonlinear programming wiht equality and inequality is given. Its iterative directions at an arbitrary point x can be obtained through solving a liear system. The terminate conditions and choices of the parameters are given. The global convergence of the method is proved. Further more,some well known gradient projection type algorithms [1-15] and new gradient projection type algorithms from the linear system are given in this paper.