数学季刊 ›› 1999, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (1): 16-21.

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  1. Hebei Medical College for Continuning Education,Baoding,071000; Department of Mathematics,Hebei University,Baoding,071000

  • 收稿日期:1997-09-11 出版日期:1999-03-30 发布日期:2024-10-09

Solution and Application of the Matrix Equation Ax=b

  1. Hebei Medical College for Continuning Education,Baoding,071000; Department of Mathematics,Hebei University,Baoding,071000

  • Received:1997-09-11 Online:1999-03-30 Published:2024-10-09

摘要: In this paper,we first give the solution concept of the fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b. Secondly,we discuss the property of the solution and give the method of solving the fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b. Finally,we present an application of solving fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b to the fuzzy linear regression analysis,establish a new model of fuzzy linear regression,and introduce a new method of estimating parameters. 

关键词: fuzzy number, fuzzy matrix equation, fuzzy linear regression analysis

Abstract: In this paper,we first give the solution concept of the fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b. Secondly,we discuss the property of the solution and give the method of solving the fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b. Finally,we present an application of solving fuzzy matrix equation Ax=b to the fuzzy linear regression analysis,establish a new model of fuzzy linear regression,and introduce a new method of estimating parameters. 

Key words: fuzzy number, fuzzy matrix equation, fuzzy linear regression analysis
