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    1999年 第14卷 第3期    刊出日期:1999-09-30
    1999, 14(3):  1-10. 
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    It will be proved that given any noncappable r.e. degree a there are r.e.degrees a 0 and a 1 such that a 0,a 1<=a and [a 0∪a 1] is not local distributive,i.e.,there is an c such that [c][a 0∪a 1] and for any [u i][a i] and i=0,1,[c]≠[u 0]∨[u 1] where R/M is the quotient of the recursively enumerable degrees modulo the cappable degrees. Therefore, R/M is not distributive. 
    郎开禄, 杨光俊
    1999, 14(3):  11-16. 
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    In this paper,we discuss on the convergence and approximation of an α times integrated semigroups. The Trotter kato theorems for an α times integrated semigroups are obtained. 
    1999, 14(3):  17-23. 
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     Lattice implication algebras is an algebraic structure which is established by combining lattice and implication algebras.In this paper,the relationship between lattice implication algebras and M V-algebra was discussed,and then proved that both of the categorys of the two algebras are categorical equivalence.Finally,the infinitely distributivity in lattice implication algebras were proved.
    离散的Painlevé 方程的有理解
    赵玲玲, 商朋见
    1999, 14(3):  24-29. 
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     The rational solutions for the discrete Painlevé Ⅱ equation are constructed based on the bilinear formalism.It is shown that they are expressed by a determinant whose entries are given by the Laguerre Polynomials.

    郑逢斌, 卿 铭 , 靳景玉
    1999, 14(3):  30-35. 
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    This paper presents a method of modeling a fuzzy system with fuzzy and nonlinear border,obtaining systematic structure by clustering analysis,applying BP network ( BPN) to generate rule baseˋs antecedent function and using RBF network ( RBFN) to approximate each ruleˋs conclusion function not only because of efficient capability of approximation nonlinear function of BPN and RBFN but also because of quickness of training speed of RBFN.In addition,structure design and training of relevant networks are discussed in detail.Finally,the structure optimization and overstudy of RBFN are discussed.

    文成林, 靳丽丽, 周颜芳
    1999, 14(3):  36-42. 
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    Multiresolutional signal processing has been employed in image processing and computer vision to achieve improved performance that cannot be achieved using conventional signal processing techniques at only one resolution level [1,2,5,6].In this paper,we have associated the thought of multiresolutional analysis with traditional Kalman filtering and proposed  a new fusion algorithm based on singular Sensor and Multipale Models for maneuvering target tracking.
    1999, 14(3):  43-53. 
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    In this paper we investigate generalized bi quasi variational inequalities in locally convex topological vector spaces. Motivated and inspired by the recent research work in this field,we establish several existence theorems of solutions for generalized bi quasi variational inequalities,which are the extension and improvements of the earlier and recent results obtained previously by many authors including Sun and Ding [18],Chang and Zhang [23] and Zhang [24].

    1999, 14(3):  54-63. 
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    In this paper, we define the weighted Dirichlet space Dpα(Ω) on bounded symmetric domains Ω of C n. Using η-α Carleson measure,we study the boundedness and compactmess of the composition operators between the weighted Dirichlet spaces.

    杨茂, 陈建军
    1999, 14(3):  64-66. 
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    In this paper,combining Riemann’s method with the fixed point theory effectively,we proved that the migration equation of the moisture in soil with nonlinear initial boundary value problem has unique classical solution.

    1999, 14(3):  67-70. 
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    In this paper,the new integrable conditions of Riccati equation is presented by invarant of Riccati equation.
    韩友发 ​
    1999, 14(3):  71-75. 
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    In this paper,we give some ways of computing invariants of some 3 manifolds,obtained by surgery on circular Hopf link,by using Kauffman polynomial. 
    1999, 14(3):  76-79. 
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    Using the theory of polynomials,this paper gives a new necessary and sufficient condition for a polynomial to be Hurwitz polynomial,a simple proof of the stability criterion of Liénard and Chipart is also obtained. 
    1999, 14(3):  80-87. 
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     For linear partial differential equation ... the author gives the analytic solution of the initial value problem using the operators ... . By representing the operators with integrals,explicit solutions are obtained with an integral form of a given function. 
    李克典, 任学军, 菅典兵
    1999, 14(3):  88-91. 
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    In this paper we prove that a space X with point countable sequential neighborhood network if and only if it is α4 space with point countable cs network. 
    楚冰, 薛明志, 李登峰
    1999, 14(3):  92-95. 
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    In this paper, we give a property for multivariate multiresolution analysis of multiplicity r with an arbitrary dilatiion matrix.

    1999, 14(3):  96-102. 
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    A method of approaching to the infinite dimensional linear operators by the finite dimensional operators is discussed. It is shown that,for every infinite dimensional operator A and every natural number n, there exists an n dimensional optimal approximation to A. The norm error is found and the necessary and sufficient condition for such n dimensional optimal approximations to be unique is obtained.
    1999, 14(3):  103-104. 
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    This thesis discusses the theory of nonlinear programming (NLP) including the maths solution to a type of inequality of convex function by utilizing the separating Theorem.

    梁庆文, 缪柏其
    1999, 14(3):  105-110. 
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    Today the one of the main social problem is employment. It is very important that how to treat with the relations among growth rates of economy, reformation strength and good employment and find the key point of macro control. In this paper the relationship among the employment of each industries, population, GDP and total investment in fixed assets is studied by mathematical modeling and applied mathematical statistics analysis. It is drawn that the outline of growth rates of employed persons in recent years. By these analyses our point view is to develop the tertiary industry so as to enhance the growth rates of employed persons when the economic increasing keeps appropriate rate.