数学季刊 ›› 1999, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3): 24-29.

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离散的Painlevé 方程的有理解


  1. Department of Mathematics,Zhoukou Teacherˋ s College,Henan,466000; Department of Mathematics,North Transportation University,Beijing,100044

  • 收稿日期:1998-05-20 出版日期:1999-09-30 发布日期:2024-09-11

Rational Solutions for the Discrete Painlevé  Ⅱ Equation

  1. Department of Mathematics,Zhoukou Teacherˋ s College,Henan,466000; Department of Mathematics,North Transportation University,Beijing,100044
  • Received:1998-05-20 Online:1999-09-30 Published:2024-09-11

摘要:  The rational solutions for the discrete Painlevé Ⅱ equation are constructed based on the bilinear formalism.It is shown that they are expressed by a determinant whose entries are given by the Laguerre Polynomials.

关键词: Painlevé equation, discrete Painlevé equation, rational solution

Abstract:  The rational solutions for the discrete Painlevé Ⅱ equation are constructed based on the bilinear formalism.It is shown that they are expressed by a determinant whose entries are given by the Laguerre Polynomials.

Key words: Painlevé equation, discrete Painlevé equation, rational solution
