数学季刊 ›› 2010, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (2): 244-248.
摘要: Diab proved the following graphs are Cordial; PmK1,n if and only if (m,n) =(1,2); CmK1,n; PmKn; CmKn for all m and n except m≡2(mod 4). In this paper, we proved the Cordiality on the union of 3-regular connected graph K3 and cycle Cm. First we have the Lemma 2, if uv∈ E(G), G is Cordial, we add 4 vertices x, y, z, w in sequence to the edge uv, obtain a new graph denoted by G*, then G* is still Cordial, by this lemma, we consider four cases on the union of 3-regular connected graph R3, and for every case we distinguish four subcases on the cycle Cm.