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    2010年 第25卷 第2期    刊出日期:2010-06-30
    李德明, 刘明菊
    2010, 25(2):  159-167. 
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    The incidence chromatic number of G is the least number of colors such that G has an incidence coloring. It is proved that the incidence chromatic number of Cnp, the p-th power of the circuit graph, is 2p+1 if and only if n = k(2p+1), for other cases, its incidence chromatic number is at most 2p + r/k + 2, where n = k(p + 1) + r, k is a positive integer. This upper bound is tight for some cases.

    刘妙华, 王维琼
    2010, 25(2):  168-171. 
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    The main purpose of this paper is using the elementary method to study a limit problem involving the F. Smarandache square complementary number, and obtain its limit value.

    高文华, 江寅生, 龚小兵
    2010, 25(2):  172-181. 
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    Under certain weak local size conditions, the boundedness of linear commutators on Herz-Morrey spaces on spaces of homogeneous type are studied. In addition, the boundedness of Hardy-Littlewood maximum commutators on Herz-Morrey spaces on spaces of homogeneous type are obtained.

    周美秀, 王欣阵
    2010, 25(2):  182-190. 
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    In this paper, we study the nonlinear discrete systems and obtain several lyapunov inequalities for them. Then we give the application for lyapunov inequality.

    刘华珂, 郝云霞
    2010, 25(2):  191-197. 
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    We prove the transcendence for the values of Mahler type function with several variables, which satisfies some non-linear functional equation.

    2010, 25(2):  198-207. 
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    Let An(p)(p,n ∈ N = {1,2,3,...}) denote the class of functions of the form f(z) = zp+ap+nzp+n+... which are analytic in the unit diskE = {z:|z| < 1}. A function f(z) in A(p) is said to be in the class Sp(a,b) if it satisfies zf'(z) for some a and b(-1 ≤ b < a ≤ 1). In this paper, using the method of differential subordinations, we give new criteria for f(z) to be in the classes Sp(a,b)(-1 ≤ b < a ≤ 1), that is, if f(z) ∈ A(p) satisfies f(z) = 0 in 0 < |z| < 1,f'(z) = 0 when μ=1, and zf'(z)..., then f(z) ∈Sp(a,b). Our results improve or extend some results due to Owa, Nunokawa, Padmanabhan, Silverman, Obradovic, Yang and


    陈绍东, 黄娜
    2010, 25(2):  208-213. 
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    The notion of a sort of biorthogonal multiple vector-valued bivariate wavelet packets, which are associated with a quantity dilation matrix, is introduced. The biorthogonality property of the multiple vector-valued wavelet packets in higher dimensions is studied by means of Fourier transform and integral transform biorthogonality formulas concerning these wavelet packets are obtained.

    2010, 25(2):  214-219. 
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    In this paper, we deal with the uniqueness problems on entire functions concerning differential polynomials that share one small function. Moreover ,we improve some former results of M Fang and W Lin.

    林娟, 王传荣
    2010, 25(2):  220-227. 
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    The authors examine the relation between the perturbed Cauchy singular integral with its kernel density belong to H* and unperturbed one and show that the Cauchy singular integral is stable under perturbation of the curve of integration.

    张秀全, 赵中
    2010, 25(2):  228-235. 
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    Differential susceptibility SIR epidemic models with time delay and pulse vaccination is studied in this paper. We show that there exists an infection-free periodic solution by using the comparison method, which is globally attractive provided that R1<1, and that R2>1 implies the disease is permanent, which means that after some period of time the disease will become endemic.

    陈贞忠, 马小霞
    2010, 25(2):  236-243. 
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    In this paper, a class of explicit difference schemes with parameters for solving five-dimensional heat-conduction equation are constructed and studied. the truncation error reaches O(τ2+h4), and the stability condition is given. Finally, the numerical examples and numerical results are presented to show the advantage of the schemes and the correctness of theoretical analysis.

    谢炎涛, 车颍涛, 刘峙山
    2010, 25(2):  244-248. 
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    Diab proved the following graphs are Cordial; PmK1,n if and only if (m,n) =(1,2); CmK1,n; PmKn; CmKn for all m and n except m≡2(mod 4). In this paper, we proved the Cordiality on the union of 3-regular connected graph K3 and cycle Cm. First we have the Lemma 2, if uv∈ E(G), G is Cordial, we add 4 vertices x, y, z, w in sequence to the edge uv, obtain a new graph denoted by G*, then G* is still Cordial, by this lemma, we consider four cases on the union of 3-regular connected graph R3, and for every case we distinguish four subcases on the cycle Cm

    原新凤, 张昊
    2010, 25(2):  249-256. 
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    Let Φ be a Young function and MΦ be the maximal operator associated with Φ in the space of homogeneous type. In this paper, the composition of the maximal operators of type MΦ is considered, and the result established by Carrozza and Passarelli Di Napoli[2] is generalized to the space of homogeneous type.

    2010, 25(2):  257-266. 
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    In this paper, we discuss some properties about an abundant semigroup with a quasi-ideal adequate transversal. Moreover, we show that the product of two quasi-ideal adequate transversals of an abundant semigroup which satisfies some conditions is a quasiideal adequate transversal.

    张瑞, 臧振春, 苏白云等
    2010, 25(2):  267-275. 
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    The aversion order is a way of ordering of risks. Is there the optimal in aversion order in reinsurance contracts of reinsurance? This paper discusses these objects and gives some optimal reinsurance contracts in certain sets of feasible reinsurance contracts.

    Hilbert C*-模H中的伪框架分解
    2010, 25(2):  276-281. 
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    In the paper, we introduce weak Bessel sequences and weak frames in a Hilbert C*-module H, and give a characterization of weak Bessel sequences, weak frames, normalized tight weak frames, and dual weak frames to each other, respectively. Using A-valued linear bounded operator U:H → l2(A), V*U = I, a coustructing method of dual weak frame {x*j: j ∈ J} for a given weak frame {xj: j ∈ J} is obtained. Moreover, pseudo frame decompositions for H is given.

    丁晓庆, 刘薇
    2010, 25(2):  282-286. 
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    This note deals with the growth of entire Dirichlet series of order zero and the coefficient characteristic of the type under a kind of weaker exponent condition, and improves some known results. Moreover, the regular growth of the series is considered under the same exponent condition, and a sufficient condition of the regular growth is given.

    2010, 25(2):  287-292. 
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    In the paper, we define weakly δ-continuous correspondences on super-space, On the basis of δ-open(closed) sets,θ-open(closed) sets and regular open(closed) sets in topological space, some equivalent conditions of this kind of correspondences are obtained, and some applications of subset nets and convergence nets are given.
    毛华, 王刚
    2010, 25(2):  293-299. 
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    Cleverly using the relation of independence spaces and B-matroids, this paper firstly deals with the properties of the closure operator of an independence space, followed by presenting the definitions and solving some relative properties for the sub-independence spaces of an independence space with the help of circuits.

    张艳霞, 张学锋
    2010, 25(2):  300-307. 
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    There are well-known inequalities among eigenvalues of right-definite Sturm-Liouville problems. In this paper, we study left-definite regular self-adjoint Sturm-Liouville problems with separated and coupled boundary conditions. For any fixed equation, we establish a sequence of inequalities among the eigenvalues for different boundary conditions, which is both theoretical and computational importance.

    2010, 25(2):  308-311. 
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    A class of new graphs is defined. A sufficient condition for pairs of these graphs to be chromatically equivalent is proven.

    马金萍, 葛键
    2010, 25(2):  312-316. 
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    The main purpose of this paper is using the analytic method to study the mean value properties of the arithmetical functions δk((m,n)),δk([m,n]/m), and give several interesting asymptotic formulae for them.