数学季刊 ›› 1998, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 91-96.

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The Explicit Expressions of Level- k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) Circulant Matrices and Their Some Properties


  1.  Department of Mathematics,Linyi Teacherʾ s College,Linyi,276005;  Department of Mathematics,Jiaozuo Education College,Jiaozuo,454152;  Department of Mathematics,H anzhong Teacherʾ s College,Shanxi,723000

  • 收稿日期:1997-06-06 出版日期:1998-06-30 发布日期:2024-11-04

The Explicit Expressions of Level- k(r1 ,r2 ,… ,rk) Circulant Matrices and Their Some Properties

  1. Department of Mathematics,Linyi Teacherʾ s College,Linyi,276005;  Department of Mathematics,Jiaozuo Education College,Jiaozuo,454152;  Department of Mathematics,H anzhong Teacherʾ s College,Shanxi,723000
  • Received:1997-06-06 Online:1998-06-30 Published:2024-11-04

摘要: In this paper,we give the explicit expressions of level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices of order n 1n 2…n k,and the explicit expressions for the eigenvalues,the determinants and the inverse matrices of the kind level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices are derived,and it is also proved that the sort of matrices are diagonalizable.  摘要:In this paper,we give the explicit expressions of level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices of order 12…n k,and the explicit expressions for the eigenvalues,the determinants and the inverse matrices of the kind level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices are derived,and it is also proved that the sort of matrices are diagonalizable. 

关键词:  level-k(r,r2 ,…, rk) circulant matrices;explicit expressions;eigenvalues;inverse  matrices

Abstract: In this paper,we give the explicit expressions of level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices of order n 12…n k,and the explicit expressions for the eigenvalues,the determinants and the inverse matrices of the kind level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices are derived,and it is also proved that the sort of matrices are diagonalizable.  摘要:In this paper,we give the explicit expressions of level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices of order 12…n k,and the explicit expressions for the eigenvalues,the determinants and the inverse matrices of the kind level k(r,r2 ,… ,rk) circulant matrices are derived,and it is also proved that the sort of matrices are diagonalizable. 

Key words:  level-k(r,r2 ,…, rk) circulant matrices;explicit expressions;eigenvalues;inverse  matrices
