数学季刊 ›› 1998, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (2): 84-90.

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The 0 ,1 - Distribution of the First CoordinateSequences Derived from ML- Sequences over Z/(2e


  1. Dept.of Applied Math.,Information and Engineering Institute,Zhengzhou,540002; Guangzhou Teacherʾ s College,uangzhou,510400

  • 收稿日期:1997-05-27 出版日期:1998-06-30 发布日期:2024-11-01

The 0 ,1 - Distribution of the First CoordinateSequences Derived from ML- Sequences over Z/(2e

  1. Dept.of Applied Math.,Information and Engineering Institute,Zhengzhou,540002; Guangzhou Teacherʾ s College,uangzhou,510400
  • Received:1997-05-27 Online:1998-06-30 Published:2024-11-01

摘要: The 0,1 distribution of the first coordinate sequences derived from the maximal lenght sequences (ML sequences) over Z/(2e) is exactly given. 

关键词:  Galois ring;trace representation;linear recurring sequence;quadratic form;0, 1 - distribution

Abstract: The 0,1 distribution of the first coordinate sequences derived from the maximal lenght sequences (ML sequences) over Z/(2e) is exactly given. 

Key words:  Galois ring;trace representation;linear recurring sequence;quadratic form;0, 1 - distribution
